Jewish Community in Austria Deeply Concerned about the FPÖ's Election Victory

PeopleOther ♦ Published: October 2, 2024; 14:10 ♦ (Vindobona)

The disturbing election victory of the right-wing populist FPÖ in the parliamentary elections in Austria has alarmed the Jewish community. Oskar Deutsch, President of the Jewish Community of Vienna (IKG), expressed his deep concern in a statement.

The President of the Jewish Community (IKG), Oskar Deutsch, has expressed that the Jewish community in Austria is deeply concerned about the FPÖ's recent election victory. / Picture: © Bundeskanzleramt (BKA) / Andy Wenzel

He criticized the close links between the FPÖ and German nationalist fraternities, which he described as the “political arm of these groups”, as reported by ORF. These fraternities were still influenced by the ideas of National Socialism, which was particularly threatening for the Jewish community. Deutsch went…