Europa-Forum Wachau 2024: A Commitment to the Future of Europe

More+Events ♦ Published: June 20, 2024; 21:49 ♦ (Vindobona)

This year's Wachau European Forum, which traditionally takes place in Göttweig and Krems, opened with the title "Rebooting Europe". The forum focused on key topics such as innovation, research, and health to make Europe fit for the future.

28th European Forum Wachau officially opened: Martin Eichtinger, Margit Göll, Amelie Groß, Christina Egelund, Martin Polaschek (f. l. t. r.). / Picture: © Josef Bollwein

The ceremonial opening of the 28th Europa-Forum Wachau began with the European anthem, performed by the European Union Youth Orchestra. In his opening speech, Ambassador Martin Eichtinger, President of the Europa Forum, emphasized the need to secure a future worth living for the people of Europe. "Our decisions and innovations should be aimed at improving people's lives, protecting…