Director-General of the UN Office at Vienna Committed to Fixing Failings Exposed by COVID-19
On the occasion of the commemoration of the signing of the UN Charter 75 years ago, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Ms Ghada Waly, praised Austria's reasonable approach to the COVID-19 situation and presented the new UN Action Plan for COVID.
Remarks at the Special Event to commemorate the signing of the UN Charter in Vienna on 26 June 2020.
"Es ist mir eine Ehre, Sie zum fünf-und-siebzigsten Jahrestag der UN-Charta in der UNO-City zu begrüssen.
Willkommen, Herr Minister. Vielen Dank, dass Sie bei uns sind.
We celebrate today not only the UN's own anniversary, but 65 years of Austria in the UN, and 60 years of Austria's contribution of troops to UN peacekeeping missions.
As I welcome you on your first visit to UNOV/UNODC, I would like to commend Austria's unwavering commitment to the principles of the UN Charter and to multilateralism.
I also wish to congratulate the Austrian government on the wise management of the COVID-19 situation, and applaud the solidarity and discipline of the people of Austria. …
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