Austrian Armed Forces Exercising and Training Abroad
The Austrian Armed Forces' exercise and training plan for 2022 will enable Austrian troops to train aboard and conduct exercises with the militaries of partnering countries. With the backdrop of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Austria is strengthening its military cooperation with Western partners and exercises will be conducted within the framework of international organizations, the European Union, multilateral cooperation, and NATO's "Partnership for Peace."

The Austrian Armed Forces' exercise and training plan for 2022 includes exercises in Europe, Africa and Canada. Austria will send up to 150 soldiers to participate in the approximately 30 exercises.
With the backdrop of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Austria is strengthening its military cooperation with Western partners.
This was stated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense. The Federal Ministry of Defense (AcBMLV) is the federal ministry of the Republic of Austria responsible for military affairs, in particular the Austrian Armed Forces.
Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner stressed the importance of the exercises, "For the Austrian Armed Forces and the State of Austria, a common security and defense policy in Europe, as well as cooperation at the international level, is of utmost importance. Joint action is particularly important in times of crisis. I am pleased that the international military and security policy exchange of experience and knowledge is supported by so many sides."
According to the BMLV, exercises will be carried out within the framework of international organizations, the European Union, multinational cooperation and the "Partnership for Peace" with NATO.
Austria is authorized to deploy soldiers abroad for peacekeeping measures, humanitarian aid and disaster relief measures as well as search and rescue measures.
The Austrian Armed Forces, called Bundesheer in German, are currently deployed on many international peacekeeping missions, the most prominent ones being in the Western Balkans, specifically Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, and in the middle east in Lebanon.
The aim of the exercise and training measures is the international exchange of experience and the standardization of operational techniques.
The joint exercises will take place in the areas of NBC defense, alpine terrain and air forces, among others. In June 2022, for example, 80 soldiers will be sent to Hungary for the "Fire Blade" exercise. This is a European Union training exercise for helicopter crews in an international alliance. The aim is to increase the ability to cooperate in operations.
The Partnership for Peace (PfP) is a military cooperation link between NATO and 20 non-NATO European and Asian countries, established in 1994.
Since 1996, Austria has been a member of the Partnership for Peace. In Austria's view, PfP should continue to be capable of contributing to operations 'under the authority and/or responsibility of the United Nations, NATO, and/or OSCE'. Private emergency planning is a significant area of Austrian contribution to the PfP. In 1997, Austria accounted for 30 percent of PfP activities in this field. With the support of NATO/PfP, Austria took part in 227 activities in that year, including 14 peacekeeping missions involving 713 people.
In the PfP, a NATO tool for cooperation with its partner countries, the Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise will be held in June 2022. There, interoperability tests as well as the improvement of mission-oriented systems and applications for data communication will be carried out in the context of a crisis management scenario.
Austria is thus making a significant contribution to international peacekeeping and stabilization tasks. From November to December 2022, the binational "Combat Exercise 20" will take place in Germany.
Austria is sending 150 soldiers to the neighboring country for this purpose. The aim is to improve the ability to cooperate at the level of small units with a focus on crisis management.
The approximately 30 exercises in 2022 are intended to improve European cohesion but also international cooperation between states and organizations.
The joint training will add value to Austria's own national military defense in the areas of cyber security, disaster relief and airspace surveillance.