AUA: Massive Criticism of Government

Politics ♦ Published: November 4, 2010; 12:02 ♦ (Vindobona)

Owing to the flight ticket tax one feels lied to by the politicians. Contrary to promises, there is no support for restructuring. Not even Vienna Airport is immune from criticism.

AUA: Massive Criticism of Government / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Austrian Airlines from Austria [CC BY-SA 2.0 (]

The chairman of the board of Austrian Airlines, Andreas Bierwirth, feels lied to by the Austrian government. Not only have many promises not been kept, but additional burdens such as the air ticket tax have to be counted upon. "The employees have saved and renounced to their salaries, to help AUA and not the state budget," said Bierwirth.

The government should abandon their plan…