AUA: Deficits Must Go

TransportAirlines & Airports ♦ Published: November 3, 2010; 13:50 ♦ (Vindobona)

Austrian Airlines, bought in 2009 by German Lufthansa, are now working with profit at operational level. But restructuring of long haul routes is proving to be particularly difficult.

AUA: Deficits Must Go / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Austrian Airlines from Austria [CC BY-SA 2.0 (]

So far, AUA has was always been in deficit regarding intercontinental traffic. This should change now. AUA must finally show profits in 2011, after the past years marked by losses. This also applies to long-haul flights. "In 2011, the long distance flights have to be positive," said AUA board member Andreas Bierwirth.

In the crisis year 2008, many routes were suspended. The…