40th Anniversary of the VIC: Open House Day an Organizational Fiasco

More+Events ♦ Published: September 9, 2019; 13:16 ♦ (Vindobona)

The so-called Open House Day for the 40th anniversary of the VIC Vienna International Centre (UNO City) turned out to be an organizational disaster on Sunday, when thousands of people from 200 nations had to wait for hours in an almost 500 meter long queue to be admitted.

Open House Day at VIC an Organizational Fiasco: Many visitors gave up disappointed and left the queue after some time of waiting. / Picture: © Vindobona.org

The queue of people that formed in front of the VIC Vienna International Centre on Sunday was probably the longest in the 40-year history of the VIC with an estimated length of 500 metres.

For more than a year the VIC, respectively the responsible suborganization UNIS (United Nations Information Service), has planned the event and has invited interested people via many channels…