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UNO City
Vienna International Center Provides Heating for Viennese Households
With a new energy recycling plant, the Vienna International Center's (VIC) air conditioning system can now provide heat for around 2,400 households in the near proximity. Waste heat of the VIC's cooling system will flow into the district heating system, which can save around 3,400 tons of CO2 each year.
February 23, 2021 · Updated: February 23, 2021; 14:55
Anniversary Exhibition "Vienna International Center"
The City of Vienna dedicates an entire exhibition in the Vienna City Hall to the over 40th anniversary of the Vienna International Center. The exhibition can be seen until October 30.
September 16, 2020
40th Anniversary of the VIC: Open House Day an Organizational Fiasco
The so-called Open House Day for the 40th anniversary of the VIC Vienna International Centre (UNO City) turned out to be an organizational disaster on Sunday, when thousands of people from 200 nations had to wait for hours in an almost 500 meter long queue to be admitted.
September 9, 2019
UNO City lädt zum 40-Jahres-Jubiläumsevent
Das Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen in Wien feiert sein 40-jähriges Bestehen und begründet damit vier Jahrzehnte internationaler Diplomatie. Besuchen Sie die UNO City (VIC Vienna International Centre) im Rahmen seiner Jubiläumsveranstaltung.
August 13, 2019
Vienna International Centre Invites Expats and Locals for Anniversary Event
The United Nations headquarters in Vienna is celebrating its 40th anniversary, marking four decades of international diplomacy. Come and see inside the VIC Vienna International Centre as part of its anniversary events.
August 13, 2019