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WIIW Vienna Institute for Economic Studies

Wiiw Forecast: Economic Growth in Central and Eastern Europe Defies Global Uncertainties
Despite weakening industry, private consumption remains a strong growth driver and makes a significant contribution to the region's economic stability. At the same time, the unpredictable economic policy decisions of the USA under President Trump pose considerable risks for the export-oriented countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
February 4, 2025

Ukraine's Economic Potential: Analysis by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
In a new comprehensive study by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Bertelsmann Foundation, Ukraine is recognized as having enormous economic potential.
June 12, 2024

Viennese International Economic Institute: Growth in Eastern Europe Weaker than Expected
The Central and Eastern European EU member states recorded weaker economic growth in the first quarter of this year, according to a recent study by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW).
July 6, 2023

Research Presentation: Western Balkans 20 Years after the EU Summit in Thessaloniki
On Friday, June 30, 2023, at 09:00, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), together with prominent politicians from Austria and the Balkans, will present their new study on the EU's geo-economic influence in the Western Balkans. The event will take place in the Reitersaal of the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank in Vienna.
June 15, 2023

Weekly Briefing: Fight Against Climate Crisis
The Find out more about this week's developments. At the World Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheik, Austria's President Alexander Van der Bellen advocates climate justice. The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency is also trying to counter the climate crisis at the COP27 summit with its knowledge of nuclear technology and nuclear energy. Read about the latest developments in diplomacy in Vienna and Austria.
November 10, 2022

Austrian Think Tank Identifies Need for Improvements to Ukraine's Reconstruction Plan

Together with the GROWFORD Institute in Kyiv, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies has investigated how the Ukrainian government's reconstruction plan, presented in July, should be evaluated. How much will Ukraine's reconstruction cost and where will the money come from?
November 8, 2022

Ukraine Crisis: Potential Impact of Russian Invasion on Ukrainian, Russian and EU Economies
The solution of the Russian aggression and violation of rights towards Ukraine, is of central importance for the world we want to live in. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) conducted a study on the potential economic impacts of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Read their prediction for how an invasion would affect the economies of the EU, Russia, and Ukraine.
February 8, 2022 · Updated: February 11, 2022; 08:35

Western Balkans Summit was Held in Paris

Following the 2014 Western Balkans Summit in Berlin and the Vienna Western Balkans Summit of August 2015, the third Western Balkans Summit was held in Paris in the context of the ‘Berlin Process’. More than 500,000 of the people with migration background who live in Austria are from the region. Austrian companies have hundreds of branches or subsidiaries in the Western Balkans, which clearly illustrates the very close economic relations.
July 8, 2016

Western Balkans Countries Discussed Investment, Jobs and Integration in Vienna

The World Bank and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) held a high-level policy dialogue on ‘Investment, Jobs and Integration’ last week. Ministers and senior officials from the Western Balkans region as well as policy experts from international organisations and the business community gathered to discuss the challenges the region is currently facing, in particular the high unemployment rate, low international competitiveness, and lack of modern infrastructure.
July 8, 2016

CESEE Outlook: Modest Recovery - EU is Obstacle to Growth – BREXIT Poses Uncertainties

According to the latest prognosis of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE) will have a trend growth rate of up to 3% in the period of 2016-2018. This is 1-1½ percentage points higher than average growth in the eurozone. Consumption will be the main growth driver. The Austrian economy is still benefiting from its economic ties with the region. Direct effects of BREXIT on the region will be limited – indirect effects for the European economy as a whole may be considerable.
June 29, 2016

Event: 21st Austria & Advantage Austria: Re-Think Central and Eastern Europe - An Austrian Perspective

On September 23, 2014, 21st Austria and Advantage Austria UK will host a panel discussion at the City of London's Gherkin skyscraper. Herbert Stepic, former CEO of RBI Raiffeisen Bank International and Georg Karabaczek, Austrian Trade Commissioner for the UK will focuse on the topic "Re-Think Central and Eastern Europe: An Austrian Perspective on Diversity in Performance, Challenges and Avenues of Growth". Panellists also include Pasquale Diana, Mario Holzner and Eduard Zehetner.
August 1, 2014

Forecast for CESEE Countries (Webinar)

Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) have been strongly affected by the economic crisis. However now there are signs of an improving economic climate and growth rates will again be above the EU average. The current situation in the Ukraine and potential difficulties between the EU and Russia constitute a downside risk.
June 24, 2014

Ten Years After The 2004 EU Enlargement: Achievements and Next Steps

International Conference, Vienna, 24-25 April 2014
March 31, 2014

Emerging Markets Face Decrease in Risk Appetite

Foreign investors become more and more cautious about investing in emerging markets. Regions like Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe are highly dependent on foreign sentiments.
December 14, 2013

Economic Recovery and Interest Rate Turnaround Also in Austria?

Not only Germany but also the peripheral areas of the European Union see economic recovery supported by an increasing export activity.
October 3, 2013

Austria Well Positioned in Global Economic Integration

According to a recent study by the Vienna Institute for Economic Studies (wiiw), Austria is well positioned in the global production and economic integration.
October 3, 2013

Austrian Economy Dependent on Neighbor Countries

Austria’s economy is getting through the crisis better than the Eurozone. However, the country owes this partly to neighboring countries.
July 11, 2013

CEE Slowly Escapes Economic Crisis

Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic have slipped into recession. Experts are particularly worried about the newest EU member.
July 4, 2013

WIIW: FDI in CESEE to Decline

The Vienna Institute for Economic Studies (WIIW) forecasts a decrease of 20 percent in foreign direct investments.
June 7, 2013

Recession in Euro-Area Still Affects CESEE Countries

According to the Vienna Institute For International Economic Studies (wiiw), the double-dip recession over, yet there is no economic growht in sight for CESEE countries.
March 7, 2013