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Western Balkans Countries Discussed Investment, Jobs and Integration in Vienna
The World Bank and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) held a high-level policy dialogue on ‘Investment, Jobs and Integration’ last week. Ministers and senior officials from the Western Balkans region as well as policy experts from international organisations and the business community gathered to discuss the challenges the region is currently facing, in particular the high unemployment rate, low international competitiveness, and lack of modern infrastructure.
The World Bank and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) held a high-level policy dialogue / Picture: © Worldbank
Heightened risks in Europe make it urgent for the Western Balkans countries to pursue vigorous economic and structural reforms at home to advance their integration in the EU and globally. Participants assessed progress that has been made and discussed ways to achieve sustained economic growth in one of the poorest
regions in Europe.
In her welcome address, Ellen Goldstein,…
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