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Social Insurance

Austria's Initial Federal Deficit for 2024 Better Than Expected
Austria's federal deficit for 2024 ended up being 1.7 billion euros lower than initially forecast, standing at 19.1 billion euros. This positive outcome comes despite economic challenges, with lower-than-expected government spending helping offset revenue shortfalls.
February 9, 2025

Tax Reform Will Be Valid from September 1 on
According to Finance Minister Blümel, the tax reform will be valid on from September 1 and there will be a corresponding refund for salaries already taxed with retroactive effect from 1 January 2020.
August 31, 2020

Indexation of Family Benefits: "There are no second-class children in the EU"

The EC European Commission opens an infringement procedure against Austria, as it pays families less child benefit if their children live in another EU country with a lower cost of living.
January 24, 2019

Expat Advise: How Does the Austrian Tax and Social Security System Work?

If you are moving to Vienna as an expat or are already living here with employment income and want to find your way around the complicated Austrian tax and social security system, Vindobona recommends attending an interesting event organised by the Vienna Business Agency and Deloitte Austria.
March 22, 2018

Romania: Drop of VAT on Bread and Baked Goods

Around 70 percent of Romanian bread and baked goods are sold on the black market. A drop in VAT is supposed to change that.
July 31, 2013

EU’s Austerity Cuts Adverse to Health

EU’s austerity measures negatively affect citizen’s health, is the result of a health study carried out by “The Lancet”. The Commission was supposed to examine the political effects.
March 27, 2013

Austria to Reform Pension Plan Scheme

Roundtable symposium at Ministry of Finance on reform of private pension plan scheme
March 22, 2013

Austria: Minor Increase of Age for Pension

Despite of reforms concerning the pension system and a raise for the pension entitlement, only a slight increase was noticed.
March 7, 2013

Black Labor Decreases

In Austria, the share of black labor is still big. However, there is a downward trend.
May 22, 2012

Austrian Health Insurance Funds Achieved Surplus

For the first time, all nine Austrian health insurance funds recorded positive result. In total, a surplus of € 291m was achieved.
May 19, 2012

Number of Staff Ill Decreasing

In Austria, the number of staff ill decreased slightly in 2010. On average, on 12.9 days staff was away sick. Sickness is becoming a main cause for retirements.
October 22, 2011