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Serbia to Continue Talks with IMF

Serbia's Minister of Finance Lazar Krstic announced that an International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission will visit Serbia for talks on a new three-year arrangement shortly after a new government is formed.
March 21, 2014

Serbia: Talks about Forming Government to Start Soon

Discussions about forming a new government in Serbia will start at the end of this week or the beginning of next week, according to Zorana Mihajlovic, deputy leader of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).
March 21, 2014

Fitch: Elections Command Fiscal Consolidation and Reforms

Vucic appears to acknowledge the need for reforms in Serbia.
March 20, 2014

Serbia: Economic Activity Increases Speed

Since the beginning of 2014 economic activity has started to accelerate.
March 19, 2014

Low Inflation Still No Threat to CEE

Currencies in CEE should not be affected by low inflation, according to Erste Group.
March 19, 2014

Serbian President: Vucic is New PM

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic named Aleksandar Vucic as new Prime Minister.
March 17, 2014

Serbia: Landslide Victory for Vucic

After Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic’s party saw an overwhelming victory in the early parliamentary elections the new government is facing a hard road ahead.
March 17, 2014

Serbia: Vucic Stands Good Chances of Becoming PM

Vucic is regarded new Serbian Prime Minister in the parliamentary elections.
March 15, 2014

Serbia to Continue Path towards EU

Even after the elections the new government intends to continue the path towards an EU membership.
March 13, 2014

Serbia: “Reforms Are Social Responsibility”

According to economic advisor and former director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Serbia’s efforts to improve state finances and push through with reforms, was visible.
March 12, 2014

Serbia: Share of NPL Increases Dramatically

The share of bad loans in Serbia has increased to 21.3 percent.
March 6, 2014

Serbia: Dacic Unsure of Future Government

Outgoing Prime Minister and leader of the Serbian Social Party (SPS) Ivica Dacic is unsure about how the new government will be formed.
March 4, 2014

“Serbia Has to Become Economically and Politically Stable”

Prime Minister Dacic promised to continue to follow the path to an EU membership. Former Austrian Chancellor Gusenbauer underlines Serbia’s importance among Western Balkan states.
March 3, 2014

Hypo Group: Five Potential Buyers for CESEE Affiliates

Alexander Picker, CEO of the nationalized bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria, is optimistic that the affiliates in the Western Balkan countries may be sold until the end of 2014.
March 1, 2014

Serbia to Start Talks with IMF

Officials of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have started negotiations with Serbia on Wednesday.
February 26, 2014

Serbia: Full EU Member by 2020?

Aleksandar Vucic, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, said on Thursday evening that the country had full political stability and announced that the country’s aim is to become an EU member in 2020.
February 22, 2014

Serbia: Structural Reforms to Boost FDI

Recent projections of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) forecast foreign direct investments (FDI) to increase to € 1bn this year up from € 750m.
February 21, 2014

Serbian Governor: Banking Sector Stable

According to Tabakovic, governor of NBS, the Serbian banking sector was solvent and well-capitalized.
February 20, 2014

Austria Most Popular Country among Hungarians

93 percent of Hungarians feel compassion towards Austria.
February 19, 2014

Serbia: Fast Implementations of Reforms Crucial

Tanja Miscevic, chief negotiator in the EU accession talks, announced on Sunday that elections in Serbia are not slowing down the process in European integration.
February 17, 2014

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Nowotny Attacks Fekter

Governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Ewald Nowotny criticizes former Minister of Finance Maria Fekter sharply and blames her for inactivity.
February 15, 2014 · Updated: February 15, 2014; 18:19

Kurz: “We Want Serbia to Join EU ASAP”

According to the Austrian Foreign Minister, the prospect of an EU membership could help accelerate the implementation of reforms.
February 14, 2014

Serbia: Key Rate Kept Untouched

The board of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) underlined the importance of a cautious monetary policy in the light of the current economic developments.
February 14, 2014

Serbia: FDI of Great Importance for Economy

According to Deputy Prime Minister Vucic, the country’s biggest problem was the rate debt rate and fiscal deficit.
February 14, 2014

Serbia: FDI for Sustainable Growth

Serbia needs FDI in the amount of € 2bn at least to stimulate sustainable growth, according to experts.
February 12, 2014

Serbia: Inflation Requires New IMF Agreement

In the light of a devaluation of the Dinar Serbia needs a new agreement with the IMF to improve funding and accelerate the realization of reforms.
February 10, 2014

CESEE: Stuck in Transition or Just a Break?

Despite all difficulties in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the region remains essential for Austria. The long-term growth potential remains intact.
February 6, 2014 · Updated: February 6, 2014; 13:41

Hypo Group: Calls for Bankruptcy Become Louder

The Austrian government wants to prevent the bankruptcy of the nationalized lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria. However, there are better arguments for an orderly insolvency.
February 3, 2014

Serbia: First License Withdrawal of Private Bank

For the first time in the Serbian history, a privately held bank loses its license.
February 3, 2014

„We Must Watch CESEE Very Carefully“

In an interview with the Austrian daily „Standard“, board member of Österreichische Kontrollbank AG Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger said that the economic crisis in CESEE is not over yet.
February 3, 2014

Suspicious Secrecy in the Cause of Hypo Group Alpe Adria

In the matter of Hypo Group Alpe Adria, the Austrian government acts disconcertingly. Details on the situation of the nationalized banks are still kept as a secret.
February 1, 2014

Serbia: EU Enthousiasm Kept in Limits

A survey among Serbian citizens about an EU membership reveals weak support.
January 30, 2014

CESEE: Overtaking Western Europe Not Before 2055

According to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the transition period of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe will take longer than initially expected.
January 29, 2014

Another Emergency at Hypo Group Alpe Adria

The series of bad news does not come to an end. After enormous capital injections in 2013, the nationalized Austrian lender again needs help from the Austrian state.
January 24, 2014

Serbia: World Bank Delays Loan

The World Bank has delayed a loan in the amount of US-$ 250m for Serbia.
January 24, 2014

Croatia Supports Albania in EU Accession Course

Albania hopes that EU Accession Negotiations will take place in June 2014.
January 22, 2014

“No Real Wage Loss This Year“

In terms of real wages, Austria may face a trend reversal this year. In Southeastern Europe, by contrast, poverty is growing considerably.
January 21, 2014

Serbia: "Kosovo Part of Whole Package"

Serbia hopes to join the union until the year 2020. The solving of the issue with Kosovo remains a key condition. Austrian Foreign Minister Kurz stresses the importance of the region becoming a part of the European Union.
January 21, 2014

Uniqa Serbia Continues to Grow

Market share increases to 7.3 per cent in third quarter of 2013. Premium volume for life insurance up 18.5 per cent.
January 20, 2014

IMF and EBRD Deeply Concerned Over CESEE

Foreign banks continue to withdraw capital from the region. According to the International Monetary Fund, the development is highly considerable.
January 14, 2014

Serbia Facing Testing Year

The Serbian government is currently working on a plan to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises.
January 13, 2014

Europe/CESEE: Heavy Trade in Distressed Assets

Until 2018, European lenders will offload about 300bn of bad debts, according to PwC. Above all, U.S. private equity firms are taking the opportunity.
January 11, 2014

Serbia: One of Fastest Growing Economies

Last year Serbia was among the ten fastest growing economies in Europe, as pointed out by Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.
January 8, 2014

Romania: Slight Increase in FX Reserves

In December 2013 FX reserves increased slightly compared to the previous month.
January 7, 2014

CEE: Economic Sentiment Cautiously Optimistic

The economic sentiment for Eastern European countries is becoming more optimistic, however, only cautiously. Poland is on top of the list of economists at JP Morgan.
January 2, 2014

Serbia: Moderate Economic Growth in 2013

According to the release of the Serbian Statistical Office, GDP is estimated to have grown 2.4% in 2013.
January 2, 2014

Hypo Group: Austrian Government Seems Aimless

Although the restructuring of the nationalized Austrian lender is one of the most pressing issues, the Austrian government could not present a sound concept yet.
December 27, 2013

Serbia to Receive Pre-Accession Assistance from EU

Today the European Commission adopted the 2013 national programme for Serbia under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).
December 23, 2013

CESEE: Dependence on Foreign Demand Remains Main Obstacle

In 2014, Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) faces a slight upward trend. The structural difficulties persist, however.
December 21, 2013