Hypo Group: Five Potential Buyers for CESEE Affiliates

Politics ♦ Published: March 1, 2014; 11:19 ♦ (Vindobona)

Alexander Picker, CEO of the nationalized bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria, is optimistic that the affiliates in the Western Balkan countries may be sold until the end of 2014.

Hypo Group: Five Potential Buyers for CESEE Affiliates / Picture: © Wikipedia / JJ55 (30 March 2008)

Because of EU requirements, the nationalized Austrian lender has to sell its operating affiliates in Southeastern Europe. In total, there are five reputable potential buyers, according to Picker. In an interview with the Austrian daily “Kurier”, Picker explained that binding offers must be submitted at the end of April. The deadline was extended by one month. In total, the expected…