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Living in Austria

The Hike of Real Estate Prices Is Ending
The rise of prices for real estate is slowly coming to an end. The Austrian Real Estate Association (OVI) reported in front of journalists that the prices have hit the ceiling now. However, this is not a drop in prices but just a stabilization of them. The demand for real estate has gone back in the last months.
January 10, 2023

Vienna Among Europe's Most Expensive Cities
Living in cities is expensive. A study by management consultants Mercer ranks the most expensive cities in the world. Vienna is ranked high as one of the most expensive cities in Europe. Read on if you want to know where life is most expensive.
October 18, 2022

Foreigners in Austria: More Than a Quarter of the Austrian Population Has a Migration Background
A new study by Statistics Austria analysed the countries of origin of Austrians and found that more than a quarter of the Austrian population has a migration background. If you want to know where most foreigners in Austria come from and how much the proportion has increased in recent years, read on.
July 28, 2022

Weekly Briefing: Newest Developments in Diplomacy and Vienna
Read about the latest developments in diplomacy in Vienna and Austria. The Georgian Prime Minister visited Austria and Vienna enables Ukrainian displaced persons to graduate from Ukrainian high school. In addition, Austria's Chancellor visited Israel and concluded an important agreement there. Furthermore, expats in Austria appreciate the high quality of life, but do not feel welcome. Read more about this week's developments.
July 14, 2022

Expats in Austria Satisfied With Quality of Life but Complain About Rude Locals
According to the newly published "Expat Insider Study 2022", expats living in Austria have mixed feelings about the country. On the one hand, they praise the high quality of life in the country, but on the other hand they find the Austrian population unusually unfriendly. In the end, Austria was only ranked 24th out of a total of 52.
July 12, 2022

Reform of the Red-White-Red Card: Facilitation for Foreign Workers
In order to cope with the acute shortage of skilled workers in Austria, access to the Austrian labour market is to be facilitated for foreign workers in the future. The application procedure is to be made easier and the criteria for obtaining the Red-White-Red Card are to be reduced.
June 29, 2022

Vienna Once Again the World's Most Livable City
Vienna is once again the world's most liveable city. In a ranking by the "Economist", Vienna has once again taken the top spot for the first time since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and is very pleased. The city came out on top in a field of 140 cities around the world.
June 24, 2022

Reform of the Red-White-Red Card: Facilitation for Workers From Abroad

The Red-White-Red Card, which allows its holders access to the Austrian labor market, is to be made easier to obtain in the future. This was recently announced by Minister of Labor Kocher and Minister of Economics Schramböck. Relaxations in the approval procedure are intended to attract more skilled workers to Austria in the future in order to combat the acute shortage of skilled workers in the country. The Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Austrian Industries are delighted.
April 28, 2022

Population Growth in Austria: Ukrainian Immigration Provides for Over 9 Million Inhabitants

The population in Austria recorded particularly high growth in the first quarter of 2022, pushing the number of inhabitants to over 9 million for the first time. The main reason for this is the large number of temporarily housed Ukrainian aid seekers who have come to Austria in recent months to flee the Russian war of aggression.
April 27, 2022

Housing in Austria: Average Monthly Rents Remain Above Inflation Rate

Rental prices are not spared from the persistently high inflation. On the contrary - according to a recent study, rental prices remain above the current inflation rate. If you want to know how expensive rent is and how much the average tenant pays, read on.
March 30, 2022

Driving a Car in Austria: How to Import a Vehicle for Personal Use
What is required to register your car in Austria that you have purchased abroad? What do you need to look out for when buying a car? What costs do you have to bear? You can find all tips for importing your own vehicles (Eigenimport) to Austria here.
August 4, 2019 · Updated: April 1, 2021; 13:13

Austria's Real Estate: Single-Family Houses Expensive, Offices Cheap

Also as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, living spaces with a garden, a balcony or a terrace see a significant increase in demand, while office spaces and other commercial real estate loses value. Another new aspect of the real estate market in Austria is the rise in demand for single-family houses in the outskirts of bigger cities.
January 5, 2021

Relocation to Austria: How to Import Tax and Duty Free a Vehicle for Personal Use

It may be convenient to take your car with you when you relocate to Austria. The same applies to cars that may cost less abroad than in Austria. However, there are additional costs in addition to the purchase price (Eigenimport). The NoVA (Normverbrauchsabgabe) is due at the first registration in Austria for new and used cars. The NoVA varies according to age and model. However, you can avoid this under certain conditions.
August 7, 2019

Driving a Car in Austria: What Users of a Vehicle with a Foreign Number Plate Need to Know

Persons whose main residence is in Austria and who drive a vehicle with a foreign registration plate must obtain an Austrian registration plate after one month at the latest. If the license plate is used for a longer period of time, administrative and financial criminal proceedings will be initiated.
August 2, 2019

Diplomats in Austria: How Does the Tax Exempt Purchase of Motor Vehicles Work?

New rules for the tax-exempt purchase of a motor vehicle from an Austrian car dealership concern the direct exemption from VAT and the normal consumption tax, which contributes to speeding up the tax relief.
July 9, 2019