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Georg Poelzl

Austrian Post Invests More Than EUR 100 Million in Turkish Subsidiary

Despite the critical tensions between the European Union and Turkey, the Austrian Post will be investing more than EUR 100 million in a Turkish subsidiary in the next five years. CEO Pölzl is confident that the separation of politics and the business aspect will be also possible in the future.
October 23, 2020

Austrian Post: Enormous Growth Potential in Turkey

With a local partnership, the Vienna-listed Austrian Post wants to participate in the booming Turkish post market.
October 9, 2013

Pecik to Enlarge Activities in Telekom

The new core shareholder of Telekom Austria, Ronny Pecik, plans to acquire further shares. He will enter the supervisory board.
December 14, 2011

Difficult Search for Investors at Wall Street

Austrian companies try to find new investors in the U.S. The relatively small size of Vienna Stock Exchange and the euro-crisis make this difficult.
December 8, 2011

Austrian Post Intends to Grow through Acquisitions

CEO Georg Pölzl wants to invest € 100m in Eastern and Western European markets. The dividend might be raised to € 1.65 per share.
November 29, 2011

Strikes at Post Possible

For the trade union, the staff policy of Austrian Post´s management is “not acceptable”. A deadline for CEO Pölzl is fixed by the trade union.
October 25, 2011

Austrian Post: Rise in Revenue and Earnings

Declining letter mail volumes were offset by growth in the parcel business. Total revenue increased by 2.9%, EBIT rose 9.1% to € 81.3m.
August 19, 2011

Bawag and Post Share 520 Branches

Investments in the common branch network of the Austrian Post and the U.S. fund Cerberus owned Bawag are running.
January 14, 2011

No competition for Austrian Post

The letter market remains under control of the Post in Austria. Despite liberalization plans, there are no interested parties on the market.
December 15, 2010

Austrian Post Cooperates with Swiss Post

The two companies plan a joint venture to bundle international activities in the field of addressed advertising mail.
October 15, 2010

Post and Bawag Join Branches

BAWAG PSK and the Post have agreed to work together more closely. BAWAG branches and larger post offices will offer in future both postal and banking services.
October 13, 2010

Swiss Post International is Not Interested in the Austrian Mail Business

According to its Austrian CEO, Georg Weidinger, the state-run Swiss Post is not one of the future competitors of the Post AG in the mail business,
September 20, 2010

Austrian Post Refurbishes its Board

ÖIAG boss Peter Michaelis gives green light for the refurbishment of the Post’s board. Meanwhile, rumors are growing that the changes will not only affect the parcels sector.
September 16, 2010