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Currency Markets

Raiffeisen Bank International: Consolidated Profit Excluding Belarus, Russia at 856 Million Euros

Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) is successfully continuing its strategy of reducing risks in challenging markets and was able to present a solid performance for the first nine months of this year despite the withdrawal from Russia and Belarus. Adjusted consolidated profit, which was calculated without contributions from these two countries, amounted to EUR 856 million. RBI thus remains stable, while at the same time implementing its withdrawal plan from the Russian business.
October 29, 2024

Foreign Currency Loans in Austria Fall to New Low in Q2 2024
The market for foreign currency loans in Austria continues to decline sharply. The Financial Market Authority (FMA) published a new survey for the second quarter of 2024, which shows a further significant decline in the outstanding volume of such loans.
September 11, 2024

“Romania Can Never Become the China of Europe”

Stabilization in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is becoming stronger. However, the political crisis in Ukraine is causing a feeling of insecurity among the population.
May 15, 2014

Bank Austria: “Russia is Still Profitable”

According to Vice CEO of Bank Austria and head of business operations in CEE Gianni Franco Papa, business in Russia is not yet affected by the political crisis in Crimea.
May 2, 2014

S&P Upgrades Polish Banking Sector

Rating agency Standard & Poor’s has upgraded the Polish banking sector from “negative” to “stable”.
April 16, 2014

Poland: NBP Posts No Profits

In 2013 the Polish National Bank (NBP) posted no profit.
April 10, 2014

Poland: Banks to Enhance Bond Issues

The Polish banks are expected to increase the value of bond issues in the next years.
April 8, 2014

Poland: Volatility on Financial Market Decreased

The volatility on the currency market decreased in March.
April 4, 2014

RBI: Economic Recovery Despite Geopolitical Tensions

Economic upswing vs. geopolitics.
April 4, 2014

Poland: NBP to Stabilize FX Reserves

The Supreme Audit Chamber NIK in Poland called upon the National Bank in Poland (NBP) not to increase in foreign-exchange (FX) reserves but stabilize its level.
April 3, 2014

Austria: Fitch Warns Banks of Risk with Business in Russia

The menacing sanctions against Russia with regard to the political crisis in Crimea could become a severe danger for Austrian banks.
April 1, 2014

Romania: Key Interest Rate Remains Unchanged

The central bank of Romania has left the main interest rate unchanged.
March 31, 2014

Poland: Economy Proves Immune to Ukrainian Crisis

According to Governor of the Polish National Bank (NBP) Marek Belka, the Polish economy has so far proved stable and almost remained unaffected by the political crisis in Ukraine.
March 26, 2014

Poland: Promising Years Ahead

Poland observes the crisis in Ukraine with great concern, but does not forget to upgrade national resources.
March 25, 2014

Poland: Number of Real Estate Loans Drops

The portfolio of real estate loans of Polish households declined in February, according to a report by the National Bank of Poland (NBP).
March 25, 2014

Low Inflation Still No Threat to CEE

Currencies in CEE should not be affected by low inflation, according to Erste Group.
March 19, 2014

Hungary: Jurisdiction Affects FX Loans and Banks

Hungary’s constitutional court will exert influence on FX loans.
March 18, 2014

Belka: Poland Should Not Haste into Eurozone

Marek Belka, Governor of the National Bank of Poland (NBP), said that the country did not have to haste to become a member of the European single currency union.
March 17, 2014

Poland: Share of Impaired Loans Increasing

The number of impaired loans in the non-financial sector keeps on increasing.
March 10, 2014

Polish Currency Still Affected by Ukrainian Crisis

The Polish Zloty continues to be unstable in the light of the political crisis in Crimea.
March 10, 2014

Poland Reconsiders Joining Eurozone

The current political crisis in Ukraine is also causing turmoil at the Polish financial markets letting the national currency drop significantly against the Euro.
March 5, 2014

Polish Financial Market Proves Strong

The financial market in Poland is resistant towards negative impacts resulting from the current political crisis in neighbor country Ukraine.
March 5, 2014

Polish Currency Suffers from Instability in Ukraine

The Polish Zloty has become weaker because of the political instability in Ukraine.
February 28, 2014

Hungary: Customers Fleeced by Banks

For the first time in three years Hungarian commercial banks have returned to profitability. However, extra cost, caused by political circumstances, was passed on to clients.
February 26, 2014

CNB Not to Stop Monetary Interventions Just Yet

Exchange rates in the Czech Republic will not go back to the state before monetary interventions were carried out by CNB.
February 25, 2014

CEE Financial Markets under Pressure as Riots Continue in Ukraine

CEE markets under pressure as Ukraine violence heats up. Biggest direct risk to Polish Zloty, but also to Hungarian Forint and Romanian Leu.
February 21, 2014

Zeman: Entry in Eurozone Delayed

In a speech to the Lower House ahead of the vote in confidence for the new government Czech President Milos Zeman expressed his dissatisfaction over the latest monetary intervention by the Czech National Bank (CNB).
February 19, 2014

Singer: “Forex Interventions Were Right Measures”

Miroslav Singer, Governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB), considers the forex intervention and the weakening of the Czech Crown as the right measures in the light of the most recent inflation figures.
February 13, 2014

Croatia: Monetary Interventions to Stabilize Kuna

On Friday the Croatian national bank sold € 240.2m to commercial banks.
January 31, 2014

Hungary: Stable Economy, Weak Currency

According to Prime Minister Orban the volatility of the Hungarian Forint is based on global factors.
January 31, 2014

Poland: NBP Sees No Reason for Weakening Zloty

According to Eugeniusz Gatnar, board manager of the National Bank of Poland (NBP), there was no fundamental reason for monetary intervention.
January 30, 2014

Restrained Optimism in Polish Financial Market

According to Finance Minister Szczurek, the Polish Financial Market will have to face another challenging year.
January 27, 2014

Romania: Slight Increase in FX Reserves

In December 2013 FX reserves increased slightly compared to the previous month.
January 7, 2014

Czech Republic: Lowest Increase in Public Debts in 17 Years

According to the government’s Funding and Debt Management Strategy, public debt should exceed CZK 2,000bn by the end of 2016.
December 17, 2013

Czech Republic: CNB Aquires Foreign Currencies

During monetary interventions CNB has purchased foreign currencies in the amoung of CZK 200bn.
November 26, 2013

Serbia: Inflation Rate at Lowest Level in a Decade

The Western Balkan country is expected to reach the lowest inflation rate in ten years.
November 25, 2013

Czech Republic: CNB Facing Investigations

Czech Senator Dryml ordered the head of counter-intelligence service (BIS) Jiri Lang to initiate investigations against the Czech National Bank (CNB).
November 22, 2013

Hungary: NPLs at Record High

The number of NPLs has reached a new record high, according to MNB.
November 18, 2013

Czech President Sceptical about CNB’s Forex Intervention

Czech President Zeman expressed his reservations about the Central Bank’s latest forex interventions.
November 12, 2013

Czech Republic: CNB to Intervene in Forex Market

After the Czech koruna (CZK) was devalued, the Czech National Bank (CNB) is keen on preventing a deflation. However, the key rate cannot be cut anymore as it is close to zero.
November 11, 2013

Poland: Sale of Foreign Currencies to Stabilize Zloty

After lowest rate in one year, the Polish government had to take actions.
June 10, 2013

OeNB Governor Nowotny "During the Crisis, the Euro Acted as a Protection Shield Beyond the Euro Area"

The Governor of the Austrian National Bank, Ewald Nowotny warns to fiscal discipline and talks about economic challenges and opportunities in Europe.
November 15, 2010

All currencies declining against gold

The demand for gold is still on the rise, says expert of First Bank Ronald-Peter Stöferle. The fact that gold is seen as a safe haven in times of crisis is ambiguous according to Stöferle.
June 23, 2010