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Bond Market

Slovenia „No Problem for Austrian Banks“

Although Austria is the biggest investor in Slovenia, the Austrian banking industry does not fear a national bankruptcy.
September 5, 2012

Slovenia: “Danger for Austrian Banks is Limited”

Although Austria would be most affected by a Slovenian national bankruptcy, the likeliness of this scenario is rather low, analysts say.
September 3, 2012

FPÖ Wants Nowotny to Resign

The biggest Austrian opposition party criticizes the governor of Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) sharply. FPÖ´s leader Strache blames Nowotny to violate the “no bailout” clause.
September 1, 2012

Fekter: „Spain is No Bail-Out Candidate“

Austria´s Finance Minister Fekter says that only Spain´s banks may need help from the EU.
August 31, 2012

Slovenia in a Vicious Circle

Slovenia´s Prime Minister Janez Jansa warns that his country may has to announce its national bankruptcy in October.
August 31, 2012

conwert Issues New Convertible Bonds

conwert Immobilien Invest SE , a company listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, has initiated a two-step transaction with the aim of reducing its leverage and extending the maturity profile of its debt.
August 30, 2012

Great Demand for Polish Sovereign Bonds

Last week, the interest rate on Polish sovereign bonds fell to a all-time low of four percent. However, a trend reversal is not unlikely.
August 18, 2012

Fitch Downgrades Slovenian Banks

The U.S. rating agency downgrades the lown-term ratings of major Slovenian banks. The outlook is negative for all of them.
August 10, 2012

Kommunalkredit´s KA Finanz Needs New Guarantees

Because of its exposure in Greece, the nationalized Austrian lender needs further guarantees from the Austrian state.
August 6, 2012

Bank Austria as UniCredit´s Cash Cow

Without Bank Austria, UniCredit would have been in the loss area. The CESEE region is still Bank Austria´s future market.
August 4, 2012

Kommunalkredit: Small Profit, Big Risks

In the first six months, the nationalized Austrian Kommunalkredit bank could generate a net income of € 16.2m. Further capital injections are likely.
August 4, 2012

Moody´s Downgrades Slovenia

Today, the U.S. rating agency has downgraded the Western Balkan country by three notches to „Baa2“ from „A2“.
August 3, 2012

Investor Confidence in Austrian Issues Remains Very High

Austria’s government and corporate sectors are still able to borrow at historically low rates, the loss of the triple A sovereign rating notwithstanding.
August 3, 2012

Budget Crisis: Serbia to Reduce Foreign Exchange Reserves

In order to mend Serbia´s budget hole, the government plans to amend the Central Bank law.
August 2, 2012

Ukraine Emitted Eurobonds of USD 2 Billion

This Eurobond emission has been the largest in Ukraine ever. The Ministry of Finance has leveraged capital markets current developments thus ensuring that 260 investors’ final order volume constitutes USD 5.8 billion.
July 26, 2012

Nowotny Wants Bank License for ESM

The governor of OeNB (Austrian Central Bank) Ewald Nowotny told the news agency Bloomberg that there would be some good reasons for this solution.
July 26, 2012

RHI Places € 130m Bonded Loan

RHI AG, a world market leader for refractory products, successfully completed the placement of a € 130m bonded loan on July 25, 2012.
July 26, 2012

Moody´s to Watch Austria Carefully

After the U.S. rating agency has lowered the outlook for the AAA-countries Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg, Austria´s rating will be checked thoroughly.
July 24, 2012

Outlook 2012: „ATX moderately positive in 2012“

Erste Group: „Environment to remain volatile; relatively low debt in Austria and CEE and yields on Austrian government bonds confirm save haven“.
July 21, 2012

Fekter Does not Want to Bundle Austrian Problem Banks

As the public debt level would rise dramatically, Austria´s Finance Minister Maria Fekter rejects the idea of a common bad bank.
July 19, 2012

Nowotny: „Germany Has Key Function“

The governor of OeNB (Austrian Central Bank) is against forced loans in Austria. Regarding Eurobonds, Germany as Europe´s biggest economy would have the key function.
July 18, 2012

Record Low for Interest Rates on Austrian Sovereign Bonds

For bond investors, Austria is a safe haven. Since the beginning of the year, the interest rate on sovereign bonds was down from 3.1% to 1.9%.
July 18, 2012

„IMF Is Not Our Enemy“

Hungary´s Prime Minister Viktor Orban returns to the bargaining table. The country needs up to € 20bn.
July 17, 2012

VBAG Buys Back € 236m Hybrid Bonds

The Buyback program generates book profits of € 130m.
July 17, 2012

Fekter Against Forced Loans

Austria´s Finance Minister Maria Fekter opposes to DIW´s suggestion to impose forced loans on wealthy persons.
July 16, 2012

Austrian Municipalities Suspected to Hide Public Debt

About 40% of Austrian municipalities source out public debt. The size of hidden public debt could reach up to € 10bn.
July 14, 2012

Hungary: IMF Talks Begin Next Week

The financially stricken country seeks a second bailout by IMF. Hungary negotiates over a loan sized € 15bn.
July 14, 2012

SPÖ Supports Idea of Forced Loans

Like their German counterparts, the Austrian Social Democrats want to introduce forced loans for rich persons.
July 14, 2012

Grexit would Cost Austria € 11.0bn

The Brussels-based think tank CEPS states that Austria would have to bear costs of € 10.9bn in case of a Greek exit out of the Eurozone.
July 13, 2012

Strong Demand for Andritz Corporate Bond

Due to strong demand, subscription period terminated today prematurely. The volume issued amounts to € 350m. Two thirds were subscribed by Austrian private investors
July 4, 2012

Euro-Crisis Continues

According to RCB, the factional dispute between Germany and France decisive for the eurozone. An easing of the situation is not expected.
June 29, 2012

„The end of the Euro would mean Europe´s Explosion“

Ewald Nowotny, governor of the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) reaffirms that Europe needs the Euro.
June 25, 2012

Treichl: „Europe Does Not Need the Euro“

Andreas Treichl, CEO of Austrian Erste Group thinks that the European Union would work very well without the common currency. A common army would be more important.
June 25, 2012

Voestalpine to Issue Corporate Bonds of € 1.0bn

The Austrian steel company voestalpine is said to plan a bond program of € 1.0bn.
June 25, 2012

Austrian Banks Report Small Growth in Lending

Regarding company loans, Austrian banks record a stable recovery, the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) reports.
June 20, 2012

Borealis Plans to Issue a Corporate Bond

The subsidiary of Austrian OMV and the Abu Dhabi investment fund IPIC may issue a corporate bond of up to € 200m.
June 20, 2012

Conwert ´s Corporate Bonds Generate Strong Demand

Subscription period closed early – first retail bond from the Austrian real estate company in the amount of € 65m enjoys strong demand.
June 16, 2012

VBAG to Repurchase Hybrid Capital

Austrian VBAG is inviting holders of the Notes to offer to sell any and all of their Notes to ÖVAG for cash.
June 14, 2012

Borealis: Intended New Bond Issue

The Austrian chemcial company intends to issue corporate bonds of up to € 200m.
June 14, 2012

Conwert: Corporate Bond Successfully Placed

The Austrian real estate company issues a retail bond with a term of five years until 2017. The total volume oft he bond issue is € 65m.
June 13, 2012

FPÖ: „Europe Has a Banking Problem“

The Austrian opposition leader Heinz-Christian Strache criticizes that European countries are downgraded due to their banks. Further bank aids would be likely.
June 13, 2012

Fitch: „AAA Endangered in Case of Greek Exit“

The U.S. rating agency warns the remaining AAA-Eurozone members of the consequences of a Greek exit.
June 13, 2012

Immofinanz Bond with Interest Rate of 5.25 %

The Austrian real estate group Immofinanz announced that today marks the official start of a road show in connection with the placement of a new corporate bond.
June 13, 2012

Alpine: „Not Affected by Spanish Crisis“

The Austrian construction company, which is wholly-owned by Spanish FCC, does not worry about the tensioned situation in Spain.
June 13, 2012

Erste Group Manages Bond Issue in Poland

Poland new long 10-year sovereign bond issue had a volume of € 1.5bn. The issue was more than 2x over-subscribed.
June 12, 2012

Spain: „ESM would be a Better Safeguard“

Austria´s Minister of Finance Maria Fekter wants Spain to call for aid via the ESM.
June 11, 2012

Austrian Banks Cut Exposure in Spain

Erste Group, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) and KA Finanz have the highest exposure among Austrian banks.
June 11, 2012

Keuschnigg: „Raising ESM for Italy and Spain“

Christian Keuschnigg, director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) argues for raising ESM funds to € 1,000bn.
June 4, 2012

Rates on Austrian Sovereign Bonds Reach New Record Low

The premium on ten-year Austrian sovereign bonds fell to a record low of 2.015%.
June 4, 2012

Rising Bond Issue at VSE

Booming corporate bonds on the Vienna Stock Exchange: the total volume came at € 1.0bn in 2012.
June 1, 2012