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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Austrian Foreign Ministry: New Appointments to 28 Senior Diplomatic Posts Worldwide

The Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten) has decided in its last meeting of the Council of Ministers the new appointments of several (28) Austrian diplomats - as follows.

Portrait: Who Is Robert Malley, the Old and New U.S. Lead Negotiator of the Iran Nuclear Talks?

In 2021, Robert Malley was appointed U.S. Special Envoy for Iran, which means he is once again the lead negotiator for the U.S. in the Iran nuclear talks. Read about Mr. Malley's career and his efforts to limit Iran's nuclear activities.

Priorities of Austrian Foreign Policy in the Face of Numerous Global Challenges in 2022

The Foreign Policy Committee of the Austrian National Council recently met to discuss some of the major global challenges going into 2022. Read which issues they discussed and Austria's stance on them.

Iran and IAEA Reach Agreement on Replacing Surveillance Cameras at Karaj Facility

After a hiatus of several months, Iran has agreed to allow the IAEA to resume monitoring a nuclear technology facility (centrifuge production site) in Iran's fourth-largest city of Karaj. In June, the facility had been the target of an act of sabotage allegedly involving Israel.

Österreichisches Außenministerium: Neubesetzung von 28 Diplomatischen Leitungsfunktionen Weltweit

Das Österreichische Außenministerium (Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten) unter der Leitung von Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg hat in der letzten Sitzung des Ministerrates die Neubesetzung von mehreren (28) österreichischen Vertretungsbehörden - wie folgt - beschlossen.

Iran's Chief Negotiator at the Nuclear Talks Bagheri Kani Met Austrian Foreign Minister Schallenberg