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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Covid-19 Vaccine: Austria Awaits Approval for AstraZeneca

The European Union's third Covid-19 vaccine might be approved very soon. A decision by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is expected by January 25, 2021. Austria's vaccination plan relies heavily on this third vaccine, although delivery shortages in the first months after approval have already been announced.

New US Presidency: Austria and EU Welcome New Chapter

Joe Biden, as new President of the United States, and Kamala Harris, as new Vice President, were inaugurated on January 20, 2021. The reactions from politicians throughout the European Union and Austria to the inauguration and the President's first acts were filled with hope and positivity.

Investment Subsidy Program Gets Extended

The Austrian government has announced an extension of the investment period for which subsidies will be granted. The high demand for the subsidy shows that many companies are hoping for a quick recovery from the current pandemic, which secures important jobs and strengthens Austria as a business location.

EU Future Conference: Edtstadler Demands Action

At an an informal video conference of the EU's Ministers for European Affairs, Austria's responsible Minister, Karoline Edtstadler, once again demanded an early start of the EU Future Conference. Although the Covid-19 pandemic might have shown some strengths and weaknesses of the current EU, Edtstadler demands a clear path into the future of the Union.

Speaker of Israeli Parliament Met Sobotka

Israel's Speaker of Parliament, Yariv Levin, and Austria's National Council President, Wolfgang Sobotka, met virtually to discuss current issues. The agenda of the meeting comprised the fight against Covid-19 in all its facets, the work of parliaments in times of the pandemic and security issues in the parliamentary operations.