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C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 13, 2017

Rosenbauer International AG / Schiphol Group relies on 18 Panther in high-end design with a wide range of special equipment

Rosenbauer has received an order from airport operator Royal Schiphol Group for the delivery of 18 ARFF vehicles. The Schiphol Group is re-equipping Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Lelystad Airports: 13 PANTHER 8x8 ARFF vehicles will be commissioned in Amsterdam, three PANTHER 6x6 ARFF vehicles in Rotterdam, and two PANTHER 6x6 ARFF vehicles in Lelystad.
November 9, 2017

OMV Aktiengesellschaft / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

OMV Aktiengesellschaft is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 9, 2017

Herbert Ortner announces to resign as CEO of Palfinger AG

After more than 16 years in the management of the PALFINGER AG, respectively close to 15 years in the managements board and close to 10 years as Chief Executive Officer, Herbert Ortner informed the Supervisory Board today that he does not intend to prolong his contract that terminates by the end of the year 2018. Therefore, Herbert Ortner aggreed with the Nomination Comittee of the Supervisory Board to terminate his position as of December 31st, 2017 and to organize a smooth handover in the upcoming weeks. After that time, Herbert Ortner will act as a counsellor to the Palfinger family.
November 8, 2017

Voestalpine - Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

Voestalpine AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 8, 2017

Voestalpine reports best half year’sresults since "Lehman"

The global macroeconomic environment was characterized by improving dynamics for the most part in the first six months of the business year 2017/18. Apart from private consumption, which was the main pillar for economic growth in most regions in the past, investment activities increasingly contributed to the positive development in the course of the first half 2017/18.
November 8, 2017

ams announces new share repurchase program forup to two year period to start on 10 November 2017

ams announces that the Management Board has decided to launch a further share repurchase program for up to 8.0% of the issued share capital. In line with the resolution by the shareholders' meeting of ams AG on 9 June 2017, the repurchased shares may be used for the purpose of covering option exercises under employee stock option plans, as compensation for acquisitions of businesses, for the cancellation of such shares and/or for resale. Based on the current outstanding number of 84,419,82 bearer shares the maximum repurchase volume amounts to 6,753,586 bearer shares.
November 8, 2017

ams and Sunny Opotech enter collaboration

ams and Sunny Opotech, part of Sunny Optical Technology Group, enter collaboration to develop and market 3D sensing camera solutions for mobile device and automotive applications.
November 7, 2017

AT & S Austria Technologie und Systemtechnik to issue subordinated bond

The Management Board of AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft has decided - based on today's approval from the Supervisory Board and depending on market conditions - to issue a deeply subordinated bond with an indefinite term and an early redemption option by the issuer after five years (hybrid bond). HSBC Bank plc was mandated as sole structuring advisor and sole bookrunner.
November 7, 2017

Andritz AG / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

Andritz AG is declaring the following financial reports below
November 3, 2017

Andritz: Results for the third quarter of 2017

International technology Group Andritz recorded business development in line with its own expectations in the third quarter of 2017.
November 3, 2017

AT & S Austria Technologie und Systemtechnik - positive revenue and earnings development

In the first six months of the financial year 2017/18, AT&S recorded a very positive revenue and earnings development compared with the same period of the previous year, which also led to an increase in the guidance for the financial year 2017/18 on 9 October 2017.
November 2, 2017

AT & S Austria Technologie und Systemtechnik - Half-year financial report

AT & S Austria Technologie und Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 2, 2017

Strabag wins road construction contracts in Poland for a total of € 170 million

The European-based construction group Strabag, through its Polish subsidiaries, has been awarded three road construction contracts from Poland's General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). The total contract value is split among two lots along the S19 north of Warsaw for EUR 73 million and EUR 43 million as well as one lot along the S61 in southern Poland for EUR 54 million. "Poland is our third most important market. We celebrated our 30th anniversary there this year. We offer the full range of our services in Poland: from road construction to building construction and civil engineering to project development," explains Thomas Birtel, CEO of Strabag SE.
October 31, 2017

Andritz receives hydropower refurbishment contract in Canada

International technology group Andritz has received a contract from SaskPower, the leading utility company in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, to refurbish the E.B. Campbell hydroelectric power station on the Saskatchewan River. The contract value amounts to over 90 million euros.
October 31, 2017

AMAG Austria Metall AG / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

AMAG Austria Metall AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
October 31, 2017

AMAG Austria Metall AG Q1-Q3/2017: Double-digit revenueand earnings growth

AMAG Austria Metall AG continued its positive trend in the third quarter of 2017. Considerable year-on-year growth was achieved in terms of shipments, revenue and earnings in the January to September 2017 period.
October 31, 2017

Palfinger AG / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

Palfinger AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
October 27, 2017

Telekom Austria AG / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

Telekom Austria AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
October 24, 2017

AT & S evaluates the issue of hybrid bonds

AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft evaluates the issue of a deeply subordinated bond with an indefinite term and an early redemption option by the issuer after five years (hybrid bond). Details of the issue such as the total nominal value, issue price and coupon would be determined based on the respective applicable market conditions.
October 24, 2017

ams reports third quarter revenue growth

ams, a supplier of high-performance sensor solutions, reports significant third quarter 2017 revenue growth in the guidance range and adjusted EBIT margin above expectations. As important optical solution ramps in ams' consumer business continue at high volumes, ams expects strong quarter-on-quarter growth with fourth quarter revenues of EUR 440-480 million, together with an adjusted EBIT margin of 26-29%.
October 23, 2017

FACC AG / Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

FACC AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
October 20, 2017

Service agreement of STRABAG group company SPFS with Deutsche Telekom ends latest on 30 June 2019

The facility management services agreement between STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH Germany (SPFS) and Deutsche Telekom, which had been concluded in parallel with the acquisition of DeTeImmobilien in 2008, will end latest effective 30 June 2019. After long and intense negotiations, Deutsche Telekom has decided to award these services to another provider.
October 18, 2017

STRABAG PFS prepares to restructure its client portfolio

STRABAG Property and Facility Services (STRABAG PFS) will end the management of real estate, technical facilities, data centres and cellular towers of Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG) with effect from 30 June 2019 latest. The corresponding service agreement will expire after a period of ten years. STRABAG PFS's offer to continue to manage the DTAG properties efficiently, sustainably and at mutually acceptable conditions until 2028 was not accepted.
October 18, 2017

FACC AG / FACC reports significant improvement in key earnings- and financial ratios

In the first half of 2017/18, revenue amounted to EUR 358.7 million (comparative period 2016/17: EUR 327.4 million). This growth in revenue of 9.6 % was mainly driven by a further significant increase in product revenues of 11.3 % to EUR 335.2 million in the first half of 2017/18.
October 18, 2017

Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment - Higher growth expectations for US-subsidiary Downhole

Downhole Technology, the latest addition to the Well Completion business of Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO) is exceeding the group's high expectations in terms of sales and profit due to strong demand and a sound market environment.
October 17, 2017

RHI AG / Listing prospectus approved, final steps for business combination of RHI and Magnesita decided

The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) today approved the prospectus for admission to listing of RHI Magnesita shares on the Premium Listing segment of the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market for listed securities.
October 17, 2017

Strabag SE celebrates 10 years on the stock market

Strabag SE, the European-based technology group for construction services, is celebrating 10 years on the Vienna Stock Exchange. On 19 October 2007, the company had placed 28,200,001 no-par shares in free float at a price of EUR 47 per share. Although the subsequent price development was influenced by the crises on the international markets that followed, the shares of Strabag SE managed to outperform the Viennese benchmark index ATX in a 10-year comparison. Last Friday, the shares closed at EUR 36.26.
October 16, 2017

Wolford Accelerates Its Cost Reduction Program

Wolford AG, which is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, is accelerating implementation of its cost reduction measures, as previously announced. This mainly involves the downsizing of its administrative staff. Since July 2017 Wolford has already decreased its workforce by 41 full-time positions, partly by natural attrition or by not filling vacant positions. The personnel level at company headquarters in Bregenz is being reduced by a further 15 employees in the middle of October.
October 16, 2017

Semperit AG Holding / Agreement on social plan for French Production site in Argenteuil signed

Semperit AG Holding announces that the management of the French subsidiary Sempertrans France Belting Technology ("SFBT") has signed an agreement on 13th October 2017 with the representative bodies of the affected French employees regarding the social measures linked to the closing project of the plant in Argenteuil.
October 13, 2017

HNA Group and C-QUADRAT support refugee project in northern Iraq

The HNA Group and C-QUADRAT are financing 100 lockable prefabricated houses with electricity as part of a relief operation for refugee families in northern Iraq
October 12, 2017

AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG / Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
October 12, 2017

AGRANA EBIT grows 45% - Significant earnings growth confirmed for full year 2017|18

AGRANA, the Sugar, Starch and Fruit manufacturer, is delivering compelling results for the first half of the 2017|18 financial year. Operating profit (EBIT) grew to EUR 130.6 million, a substantial improvement of 44.5% from one year earlier.
October 12, 2017

RZB Finance Jersey IV Limited: Change of law on securities other than shares according to art. 93 para. 5 Stock Exchange Act

The Securities were issued as hybrid capital on a consolidated basis originally for the benefit of RZB, which was merged into RBI in March 2017, as a result of which RBI became the legal successor of RZB.
October 11, 2017

Agrana opens additional facility at the corn starch millin Aschach an der Donau (Upper Austria)

Agrana opened a new facility at its corn starch mill in Aschach an der Donau in Upper Austria. Following the investment of around EUR 80 million, AGRANA has increased its processing capacity at the plant by a third to 540,000 tonnes of corn per year. The additional capacity has also created 25 new jobs in the region.
October 11, 2017

Kapsch TrafficCom AG / Kapsch TrafficCom awarded contract for nationwide tolling system in Bulgaria

Kapsch TrafficCom, a listed company, has been awarded the contract to implement a nationwide tolling system in Bulgaria for trucks over 3.5 tons, including technical configuration and provision of technical support.
October 10, 2017

Semperit AG Holding / Earnings development significantly weaker than expected

In the course of a discussion of results today, the management board came to the conclusion that the operational earnings situation of the Semperit Group will remain below expectations in the second half of 2017. The operating result is mainly burdened by the volatility of raw material prices as well as operational challenges, particularly in the Sempermed and Sempertrans segments.
October 9, 2017

Lenzing AG / Lenzing launches new product in the the filament market

At an exclusive event in Paris, the Lenzing Group launched a new product: The TENCEL TM Luxe branded lyocell filament is another key milestone in the implementation of the company's sCore TEN strategy and the first time that Lenzing enters the filament market. It will further support Lenzing's shift to become a true speciality player in the botanic materials market derived from sustainable wood sources.
October 9, 2017

DraftKings Brings Daily Manager Games to Austria

DraftKings, the world’s largest daily fantasy sports (DFS) or daily manager games platform, today announced its operations launch Austria. Players can now test their sports knowledge and DFS skills against players from North America and Europe.
October 9, 2017

AT & S Austria records high customer demand

AT&S has been recording very high customer demand and utilisation at the capacity limit at almost all plants, especially in the last three months. The ramp-up of the new technology generation in the core business has developed better and more rapidly than originally expected due to a very positive trend in demand on customers' side. In addition, further efficiency improvements have been achieved for IC substrates in Chongqing. These programmes will be pursued continuously.
October 9, 2017

Semperit AG Holding / Final decision from Court against former exclusivity clause, no impact on ongoing Sempermed business

The Austrian Supreme Court has decided that the former exclusivity provision for the distribution and marketing by Semperit in Europe of gloves manufactured by our former Joint Venture Company in Thailand was not compliant with competition law in 2015/16. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has decided not to involve the European Court of Justice.
October 4, 2017

EGGER’s acquisition of Masisa Argentina is concluded

The acquisition of the Masisa plant in Concordia, Argentina, from the Chilean Masisa S.A. is successfully completed upon closing of the contracts. This will be the first time the wood-based material manufacturer EGGER is represented with a production site outside Europe. The Group, with headquarters in St. Johann in Tyrol, takes over the number 2 in Argentina for a purchasing price of USD 155 million debt-free.
October 2, 2017

EANS-Total Voting Rights: Atrium European Real Estate Limited / Publication of the total number of voting rights according to art.93 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

Atrium European Real Estate Limited AG hereby announces that at the end of the month September 2017 the number of voting rights amounts to a total of 377.042.119 voting rights.
September 29, 2017

BAWAG - Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

BAWAG P.S.K. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft is declaring the following financial reports below.
September 29, 2017

Raiffeisen Centrobank AG / Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

Raiffeisen Centrobank AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
September 29, 2017

PI Power International Limited / Board of Directors announces final capital repayment of EUR 0.0325 per share or certificate and dissolution of the Company

On the basis of the authorization granted at the Annual General Meeting held on July 12, 2012, the Board of Directors of PI Power International Limited (in liquidation) announces that it will make a final repayment of capital to shareholders and certificate holders in the amount of EUR 0.0325 for each eligible share or certificate. Thereby the total amount of all capital repayments distributed to the PI shareholders and certificate holders increases to EUR 7.8325 per share or certificate. This will be the final capital repayment, subsequent to which the Company will be dissolved.
September 29, 2017

FACC AG / Audit pursuant to the Accounting Control Act completed

The audit pursuant to the Accounting Control Act (RL-KG) of the consolidated financial statements and of the half-year financial reports of FACC AG by the Financial Market Authority (FMA) was completed by a decree. All recognized infringements, with the exception of an accrual of provisions for onerous contracts (violation of IAS 37.14 and IAS 37.66), have already been corrected in accordance with IAS 8.42 in the consolidated financial statements and explained in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
September 28, 2017

ams AG / ams announces successful placement of USD 350 million 5-year convertible bonds

AMS announces the successful placement of senior unsecured convertible bonds due 2022 in an aggregate nominal amount of USD 350 million (the "Bonds") and a denomination of USD 200,000 each.
September 25, 2017

RZB Finance (Jersey) IV Limited - Redemption Announcement

The Company intends to redeem all currently outstanding 6,125 Securities in the aggregate principal amount of EUR 306,250,000 in cash at the Liquidation Preference of EUR 50,000 per Security plus any accrued and unpaid interest thereon on the next Interest Payment Date subject to the fulfilment of all requirements set out in the terms and conditions of the Securities (the "Terms and Conditions").
September 25, 2017

ams launches USD 350 million 5-year convertible bond placement

ams a leading worldwide supplier of high-performance sensor solutions, announces that its Management Board resolved today, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to launch a private placement of senior unsecured convertible bonds due 2022 (the "Bonds"), in an aggregate nominal amount of USD 350 million (the "Placement") and a denomination of USD 200,000 each.
September 25, 2017