Kosovo in Austria | Kosovars in Vienna | Bilateral Relations

Austria and Kosovo - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, investment, diplomacy, culture and tourism

Serbia: EU Accession Talks in January Fixed

Prime Minister Dacic considers results as “historic event” for Serbia.

December 18, 2013

CESEE: Slight Growth Acceleration, but Uncertainties Persist

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) has published the economic forecast for the CESEE region today. The economic performance varies substantially from country to country.

November 28, 2013

Visegrad Countries Encourage Western Balkans to Join EU

Representatives from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary support the EU accession of Western Balkan countries.

October 31, 2013

Southeastern Europe Initiates Common Economic Strategy

In Croatia´s capital Zagreb, the Southeast European countries agreed on putting more common effort into innovation based growth strategies.

October 26, 2013

Southeastern Europe: Dramatic Labor Market Conditions

In Southeastern Europe, the labor market conditions are similarly bad as in Southern Europe. Above all, youth unemployment is extremely high.

October 22, 2013

Serbia: EU Candidacy to Accelerate Reforms

On the occasion of a meeting with head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Serbia´s Prime Minister Ivica Dacic expressed his willingness to deepen the reform process.

October 17, 2013

Latest Edition of the SWOT Report of Raiffeisen Bank International has been Published

FriedlResearch has announced the publication of the latest edition of the "Raiffeisen Bank International AG - SWOT Analysis & Company Report". This report contains in depth information and data about RBI and its operations and markets.

October 8, 2013

Serbia’s EU Accession Talks to Start in January 2014

Talks on Serbia's EU accession to start no later than January.

October 1, 2013

Serbia Welcomes Russian FDI

Serbian Prime Minister announced that his country was interested in Russian investments.

September 13, 2013

Raiffeisen Bank International AG - SWOT Analysis & Company Report

This report contains in depth information and data about Raiffeisen Bank International AG and its operations and markets. It contains a company overview, business and strategy description, financial ratios, valuation & forecast data and a SWOT analysis.

August 8, 2013

EU Accession Talks With Serbia Around the Turn of the Year

The EU Ministers for Foreign and European Affairs agree that EU Accession negotiations with Serbia should commence around the turn of the year.

June 25, 2013

Spindelegger: "Clear Signal for Serbia and Kosovo Expected from EU Summit at End of June"

Austrian Vice-Chancellor with Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo at the Europaforum Wachau conference; clear commitment for EU expansion in the Balkans

June 19, 2013

United States Will Always Keep Its Eye on the Balkans

Montenegro's Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Riker.

June 10, 2013

Serbia: No EU Accession Negotiations in 2013

Serbia will not be able to start the desired negotiations for an EU membership this year.

June 6, 2013

Austrian Justice Minister to Support Serbia’s Approach to EU

Austria to enhance transfer of know-how in regard to the fight against corruption.

June 5, 2013

Serbia to Receive Russian Support in South Stream Project

Russia to provide € 1.7bn for construction of South Stream gas pipeline project in Serbia.

May 27, 2013

Serbia: „Dependent on EU“

Serbia hopes to be able and make the next steps toward an EU membership.

May 7, 2013

Spindelegger: "Brave Agreement Between Serbia and Kosovo Important Sign of Liberation for Entire Region"

Win-win agreement should now quickly be implemented to the benefit of the people. The EU will have to deliver on its promise

April 23, 2013

EU Accession Date for Serbia Voted on Today

On Friday, heads of Serbian and Kosovar government Ivica Dacic and Hashim Thaci have come to an agreement under the the special guidance of EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton.

April 22, 2013

Serbia: Agreements in Kosovo Negotiations

Commissioner Ashton announced that both countries have found an arrangement.

April 19, 2013

Belgrade: Ready to Accept Agreements

Ninth round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue ended with no agreement

April 18, 2013

Lithuania Supports Serbia's European Integration

Butkevicius said that Dacic’s visit to Vilnius is an encouraging and positive change in relations between the two countries.

April 16, 2013

Serbia: Vucic „Deeply Disappointed“

Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has given up hope for a new date in June for the beginning of EU accession negotiations. Russian Prime Minister Medvedev expressed support.

April 11, 2013

Serbia and Macedonia Enhance Cooperations

Cooperation between Serbia and Macedonia precondition for efficient tackling of regional issues

April 2, 2013

Dacic to Meet Head of EULEX Mission

International mission in Kosovo to ensure complete protection of all citizens.

March 26, 2013

Belgrade Considers Conditions Unacceptable

The sudden failure to reach a final conclusion to the Kosovo-issue puts a dampener on Serbia’s way towards the EU.

March 21, 2013

Time Is Running Out Fast for Serbia and Kosovo

It is probably one of the last chances for Serbia and Kosovo to make progresses for EU rapproachment.

March 20, 2013

Historical Moment for Serbia And Kosovo

Both governments have come to an agreement, similar to the Treaty on the Basis of Relations (Basic Treaty) between the two German states.

March 16, 2013

Mignon (PACE) Praises Serbia For Progresses

Today, president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Jean-Claude Mignon gave credit to Serbia’s progress in the execution of reforms and expressed faith in finding solution for the Kosvo issue.

March 12, 2013

Macedonia: Protests Against Government

Young Albanians protest against an „Anti-Albanian“ policy.

March 8, 2013

Serbia: No Solution to Kosovo Issue Yet

At today’s trilateral meetings in Brussels for the sequel talks about the association Serb municipalities in Kosovo a gloomy atmosphere between the parties is predominant. Neither Serbia nor Kosovo want to step down from their claims.

March 4, 2013

Serbia: Prime Minister Dacic Demands Separation of Kosovo

European Union and USA reject any change of boundery on the Balkan.

March 1, 2013

Austria: Number of Naturalisations Increases

7 107 persons acquired Austrian citizenship in 2012.

February 18, 2013

Serbia: Time Pressure Grows

In order to become an EU-member, Serbia must present some substantial progress to Brussels.

January 14, 2013

Purchasing Power: Austria Ranks 6

Regarding the purchasing power per head, Austria is significantly above the European average of € 12,802.

October 31, 2012

Albania to Become Official Candidate

The Western Balkan country was recommended by the EU Commission. Serbia and Kosovo must reach a “sustainable solution”.

October 10, 2012

EU as „Serbia´s Most Important Market“

The U.S. economist Paul Krugman thinks that Serbia´s future is the European Union. The EU is worried about the turn towards Russia.

October 4, 2012

Serbia: „EU Cannot Force Us to Recognize Kosovo´s Independence“

The Serbian Prime Minister is ready to continue talks with Kosovo at a higher political level. For the EU, a recognition of Kosovo´s indepence is the precondition for Serbia´s EU accession.

September 22, 2012

Serbian EU Approach Endangered

The Serbian government rejects making concessions to Kosovo. The EU accession may be damaged, however.

September 19, 2012

“A new chapter begins for Kosovo”

Austrian Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger underlined the success of the Ahtisaari UN Office in Pristina .

September 12, 2012

Croatian Labor Market Crisis Deteriorates

Not only the unemployment rate is increasing. Croatia has the third-highest youth unemployment rate in Europe.

August 29, 2012

IMF: New Central and Eastern European Constituency

Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Turkey have established a Central and Eastern European Constituency at the International Monetary Fund.

July 11, 2012

Telekom Austria Not Interested in Telecom Kosovo

The privatization of the state-owned Kosovan PTK has begun. Telekom Austria will not participated in the sales process.

July 5, 2012

Kelag Invests € 60m in Kosovo

The Austrian regional energy supplier celebrated the ground-breaking ceremony of a major power plant in Kosovo this week. Investments will total € 60m.

June 27, 2012

Telekom Austria Interested in Kosovo´s PTK

The Austrian telecommunication service provider still shows interest in taking over the Kosovo-based telecommunication company PTK. Last year, the sale was stopped.

May 4, 2012

Waldner: “Serbia Needs to Continue its Approach to the EU Unwaveringly”

Wolfgang Waldner, Austrian State Secretary is on a working visit in Belgrade.

April 12, 2012

Uniqa Group Strengthens Market Position in SEE Region

The Austrian insurance company expands its market leadership in Albania and is ranked on number two in Kosovo.

November 21, 2011

Telekom Austria Bidding for Kosovo Telecom

The Austrian telecommunications group and a Croatian competitor have been shortlisted in the privatization process of Kosovo’s most profitable company.

June 7, 2011