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WKO: Thoughts About Opening Stores on Sundays
The President of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) has expressed his thoughts about a possible opening of stores on Sundays before Christmas. This would create the opportunity for companies to equalize customer flows which they have missed out on during the ongoing lockdown.
WKO President Mahrer thinks about opening stores on Sundays in December. / Picture: © WKO Austrian Chamber of Commerce / Marek Knopp | 6016 x 4016 px | 3,8 MB
Harald Mahrer, President of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) has started the discussion about the Sunday opening.
In his opinion, opening stores on the two Sundays in Advent could boost business and equalize customer flows, since most stores miss a significant amount of their Christmas sales due to the current lockdown. …
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