Poland Takes Over EU Council Presidency: Ceremonial Opening by Polish Embassy in Vienna

PeopleOther ♦ Published: February 2, 2025; 23:20 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union was ceremoniously opened in the magnificent ballroom of Vienna City Hall by the Polish Embassy in Vienna. Around 180 high-ranking guests from politics, diplomacy, business, and society took part in the festive event, which marked a symbolic start to Poland's six-month term at the head of the Council of the European Union.

The guests of honor included Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, Secretary General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig, and Robert Holzmann, President of the Austrian National Bank. / Picture: © Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Austria

The guests of honor included Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, Secretary General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig, and Robert Holzmann, President of the Austrian National Bank. Representatives of several ministries - including the Foreign and Interior Ministries - were also present, as well as heads of diplomatic missions of EU member states, international organizations based in Vienna such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. Representatives of the Polish diaspora in Austria and influential journalists also took part in the event.

Michael Ludwig emphasizes Polish-Austrian friendship

In his welcoming speech, Vienna's Mayor Michael Ludwig emphasized the traditional ties between Vienna and Poland. “Our countries are linked by a long history of cooperation and cultural exchange. Especially in times of global challenges, it is essential to further strengthen these relationships and to work together for a stable, secure, and united EU,” explained Ludwig. He also emphasized the important role of the Polish community in Austria and praised its valuable contribution to social and economic life.

Poland's agenda: security as a top priority

The Head of the Polish Embassy in Vienna, Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, presented the guidelines of the Polish Council Presidency, which are based on the motto “Security, Europe!”. Poland has resolved to place the topic of security in all its facets at the center of its EU agenda. “At a time of growing geopolitical uncertainty, Europe must strengthen its defense and security capabilities, both externally and internally,” says Kosiniak-Kamysz.

The Polish Council Presidency is pursuing five core areas: Defense and external security: strengthening the common security and defense policy and increasing defense spending. Internal Security: protecting the EU's external borders and expanding cooperation in the fight against organized crime and terrorism. Information security: measures to combat disinformation and cyber attacks. Energy security: Ensuring a stable energy supply, in particular by reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Food and health security: Strengthening European agriculture and the resilience of the healthcare sector.

These topics are closely linked to the current challenges that Europe must overcome in the face of global tensions, economic uncertainties, and geopolitical conflicts.

Musical highlight of the event

The opening ceremony was accompanied by an artistic program that underlined the close cultural ties between Poland and Austria. The well-known Polish singer Natalia Kukulska gave a recital that was enthusiastically received by the audience. Afterward, the renowned Atom String Quartet created a festive atmosphere with a rousing performance. The musical interludes underlined the cultural dimension of the Polish Council Presidency and symbolized European cohesion through art and music.

An ambitious start to a challenging term of office

Poland faces a challenging task as it takes over the Council Presidency for the first half of 2025. The ongoing geopolitical tensions - particularly in the context of the war in Ukraine and transatlantic relations - as well as economic challenges within the EU, require decisive and coherent leadership. Poland has set itself the goal of strengthening European unity and contributing to the security and stability of the continent with concrete measures.

Expectations of the Polish Council Presidency are high. The next six months will show to what extent Poland will be able to put its ambitious agenda into practice and provide lasting impetus for European cooperation.

Polish Embassy Vienna

Austrian Parliament