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Meet the New Permanent Observer of the Council of Europe to the International Organizations in Vienna
Hermine Poppeller, the Council of Europe's new permanent observer, presented her credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Ghada Waly. Meet Ambassador, Hermine Poppeller, the new permanent observer of the Council of Europe to the International Organizations in Vienna.
Hermine Poppeller assumes her new role as Permanent Observer of the Council of Europe to the International Organizations in Vienna. / Picture: © Flickr / Dimitar Nikolov / [CC BY-SA 2.0(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/)]
Hermine Poppeller, an experienced Austrian diplomat, has taken on her new role as Permanent Observer of the Council of Europe to the International Organizations in Vienna. In her role, she will, among other things, lead the cooperation with the OSCE, United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna.
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