Covid-19 in Austria: More Than 500,000 Vaccinations
Austria has already carried out more than 500,000 vaccinations against Covid-19, 200,000 people have already received their second immunization. In March, Austria's Health Minister Anschober expects delivery of more than one million doses. The second quarter of 2021 should provide Austria three times the delivery volume of the first quarter.

Up to date, Austria has carried out more than 500,000 vaccinations against the Covid-19 virus, more than 200,000 people have already received the second immunization.
"Vaccination is the most important perspective to limit the pandemic. The progress of the Austrian vaccination campaign is solely determined by market approvals of the vaccines and by delivery quantities and delivery dates. But in the meantime, the vaccination campaign is gaining pace due to growing delivery volumes,"Austria's Health Minister Rudolf Anschober stated.
The Health Minister expects around 180,000 vaccine doses in the last week of February and more than one million in the month of march.
"And in the second quarter, the delivery volume will almost triple compared to the first quarter," calculates Health Minister Anschober.
Of vaccine doses delivered so far over 500,000 vaccine doses have been delivered by BioNtech/Pfizer, over 150,000 by AstraZeneca and 36,000 vaccine doses by Moderna.
On statistical average, one person is currently vaccinated in Austria every 5.5 seconds.
The approval process for the vaccine from Johnson&Johnson represents a special hope, since it would be the first vaccine to require only one vaccination round instead of two.
Anschober expects approval in mid-March and first deliveries during April.
The rollout of the E-vaccine passport is also making progress. 94 percent of vaccinations against Covid-19 have already been entered into the new E-vaccine passport.