Beligum Is Now Warning of Travel to All of Austria

Lifestyle & TravelTravel ♦ Published: October 29, 2020; 22:55 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Belgian Foreign Ministry now warns of travel to all nine federal states of Austria. Carinthia and Styria complete the list of the federal states that are depicted in red, which is the highest Covid-19 warning level. Travellers from these areas need to self-quarantine for at least ten days.

Belgian Foreign Minister Reynders has put whole Austria on Belgium's red list for travel warnings. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Vlad Vanderkelen / CC BY-SA 2.0 (

Belgium has now put the whole of Austria on the country's red list, which is the highest warning level with regard to Covid-19.

After most of the Austrian states have been already red, the Belgian Foreign Ministry has now decided to also include Carinthia and Styria to the list.

This means that people travelling to Belgium from Austria are likely to have to self-quarantine for at least 10 days.

On the flipside, the Foreign Ministry of Austria has decided to issue a partial travel warning for some areas in Belgium.

In particular, the Foreign Ministry warns of unnecessary travel to the areas Brussels and Wallonia starting from October 31, 2020.

Austria has also issued travel warnings for the Czech Repbulic and parts of Great Britain (North East, East Midlands and Yorkshire and The Humber).

Further travel warnings might follow in the next days due to rising Covid-19 infection rates in almost every country in Europe.