Austrian Government Gives Starting Signal for "Horizon Europe"

PeoplePoliticians ♦ Published: March 25, 2021; 11:00 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian government has set its political, social and economic goals for the new EU’s research and innovation framework programme "Horizon Europe". Several ministers and experts have met in order to discuss Austrian expectations from the EU's new program, which will be running from 2021 until 2027.

Austrian government officials as well as experts discussed the new EU research and innovation program "Horizon Europe". / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Molgreen / CC BY-SA 3.0 (

Austrian government members and the responsible EU Commissioner discussed the new EU research and innovation program "Horizon Europe".

Austria's Science Minister Heinz Faßmann had gathered high-ranking personalities to discuss the political, social and economic objectives of and expectations from the EU's new program. …