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Huawei's 5G Network Technology in Austria: Systemic Rival at the Gate to Europe

While all eyes in Europe are focused on the Russia-Ukraine side conflict, the true war is raging elsewhere, namely in network technology between China and the West. This technology war is about nothing less than the global security-technological leadership role of the next decades, and thus about the decisive question of whether the Western democratic world order can assert itself or whether the Chinese authoritarian system with totalitarian surveillance will prevail. Due to its relative weakness, Austria plays an important and central key role in this process. While most Western countries are increasingly and decidedly resisting the deployment of the 5G network infrastructure largely supplied by Huawei and ZTE - which are intricately owned and substantially controlled by the Chinese Communist Party - there are quite a few telecom providers in Austria who are using and even expanding this technology, primarily because their economic survival is already dependent on this technology, and secondly because the Austrian state is largely toothless and ignorant in the face of the push by the Chinese equipment suppliers and their lobbyists.
February 9, 2022 · Updated: February 9, 2022; 21:56

War for Global Telecom Infrastructure Supremacy: Vienna first EU Capital with Area-wide 5G Network

While the Third World War is raging backstage between the USA and China for world supremacy in 5G infrastructure, Huawei wins another milestone in Vienna. Digital City Councilor Peter Hanke has set the goal "Vienna should become the first city in Europe with a complete 5G network". The city is supporting the network expansion with 20 million euros.
May 18, 2020

Huawei Austria Sponsors Austrian Chinese Business Association

The Chinese technology group Huawei and the ACBA Austrian Chinese Business Association have sealed their cooperation at an evening event entitled "Huawei - Inside & Outside" at the Grand Hotel Vienna. Huawei is disputed internationally because of its 5G wireless network technology and its close connection to the Chinese government. Huawei maintains good business relations with the largest carriers in Austria, A1 Telekom Austria (America Movil), Hutchison Whampoa (Drei Austria) and T-Mobile Austria and supplies them with expensive 5G network equipment. In addition, Huawei will open its first flagship store outside China in downtown Vienna in the summer of 2019.
February 27, 2019

T-Mobile Austria Not for Sale

German T-Mobile emphasizes that the Austria subsidiary will not be sold. T-Mobile Austria has been stagnating for years.
March 2, 2013

Does the Hungarian Telecommunication Sector Face Nationalizations?

According to rumors, Hungary´s government plans to nationalize the Hungarian subsidiary of the telecommunication operator Vodafone.
March 2, 2013

T-Mobile: Profitability Deteriorates

The Austrian subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom suffers from declining turnover and EBITDA figures.
February 28, 2013

T-Mobile Continues Fight Against Orange Takeover

After the takeover of “Orange” by Hutchison Austria, the situation of telecommunication sector has changed significantly. T-Mobile´s management thinks that the takeover is unlawful.
February 19, 2013

Orange-Takeover: One Step Closer to the Goal

Telekom Austria is allowed to take over the discount operator Yesss!. Now, only the Commission has to approve the whole deal.
November 27, 2012

T-Mobile´s Turnover Shrinks

The second-biggest Austrian telecommunication operator records a decrease in earnings and sales.
November 8, 2012

„Austrian Telecommunication Market Is Damaged“

The new CEO of T-Mobile Austria Andreas Bierwirth wants to cut costs drastically. The profitability of the telecommunication industry would suffer from the decreasing prices.
October 17, 2012

T-Mobile: Earnings Down

The Austrian subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom announced its results of the first six months today. Sales were down by 2.6%.
August 9, 2012

Former AUA Board Member Bierwirth Enters T-Mobile

Andreas Bierwirth becomes CEO of T-Mobile Austria. The current CEO Robert Chvatal leaves the company for “personal reasons”.
July 25, 2012

Hutchison: „Telecommunication Network Overburdened in Two Years“

Jan Trionow, CEO of Hutchison Austria, appeals on authorities to approve the takeover of the competitor Orange. The Austrian telecommunication network will face capacity problems soon.
July 21, 2012

T-Mobile Austria Posts Stable Results

The Austrian subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom published its results for the first quarter of 2012. Revenues and EBITDA remained stable.
May 10, 2012

Orange Takeover: Hutchison is Optimistic

The Hong Kong-based telecommunication company Hutchison 3 is sure that the takeover of Orange will be approved by the competition authorities. The competitor T-Mobile is not convinced at all.
March 9, 2012

T-Mobile Austria Records Declining Results

The Austrian subsidiary of the German telecommunication group registered a decrease in EBITDA by 10.6%. Sales were down by 6.0%.
February 23, 2012

France Telecom Evaluating Its Activities in Austria

The future of Orange Austria could be decided before October. The cooperation in networks might have been the first step towards a merger with T-Mobile Austria.
May 25, 2011

It is Official: T-Mobile and Orange Launch Network Cooperation

The German and French telecom companies expect to save € 60m. The network coverage is to increase by 10%.
April 22, 2011

Turkcell Intends to Get Into Austria

The Turkish mobile operator strives for an entry into the Austrian market.
April 1, 2011