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Pension Funds
"Equal Pension Day" Shows Significant Gap for Women
Women in Vienna receive 32.6% less pension compared to men. Therefore, the risk of old-age poverty is dramatically higher for women than for men. The information is issued with reference to the Viennese "Equal Pension Day" on September 2.
August 31, 2020
Taxation of Pension Funds: One-Time Effect of € 900m
In order to restructure the financially stricken VBAG, the Austrian government anticipates taxes on pension funds. As a result, € 75m will lack in future.
March 6, 2012
VBAG´s Rescue Endangers Austerity Targets
In 2012, savings should reach € 576m. However, only write-offs in VBAG cost € 700m. The Austrian government seeks for additional revenues.
February 29, 2012
Building Saving: Financing Becomes more Difficult
In Austria, 45,000 new apartments are needed, causing finance requirements of € 8.8bn. Meeting this demand becomes harder.
December 14, 2011
Negative Performance at Pension Funds
Assets under management were down by 2.3%. The average performance was -2.8%.
December 7, 2011
Austria Has Third-Highest Pension Costs in Europe
Austria´s expenditures for retires reached 12.7% of ist GDP. Only France and Italy surpass Austria. Sustainability of the domestic pension system improved slightly.
November 7, 2011
RH Warns: Alarming Increase in Public Debt
Austrian government debt is growing rapidly. From 2006 to 2010, government expenditures went up by 18.2%.
September 15, 2011
FMA: Negative Performance of Austrian Pension Funds
The Financial Market Authority (FMA) reports a negative performance of Austrian pension funds for 2011: total return amounted to -1.2% for the first six months.
September 13, 2011
IHS: No Zero Deficit until 2021
The research institute calculated that Austria will not be able to achieve a balanced budget in the next ten years. Felderer calls for reforms of the pension and healthcare systems.
August 24, 2011
Retiree Representatives Demand 2.7% Pension Increase
According to legal regulations, Austrian pension payments have to be adjusted for the previous year’s inflation. Next year the cost would be approximately € 1bn.
August 17, 2011
Pension Funds with Negative Performance in 2011
At the end of June, the funds registered a minus of 1.2%, after -0.7% in the first quarter. Assets under management amount to € 15bn.
July 13, 2011
Retirement Provisioning: Austrians Put aside € 63 per Month
Retirement provisioning study 2011: Austrians prefer low-risk investments. 58% rely on the financial knowledge of their bank account managers.
June 29, 2011
Funds are Considered as a Suitable Old-Age Provision for many Austrians
The majority of Austrian fund owners rate investment funds as a suitable old-age provision, according to the result of a recent population-representative study of AXA Investment Managers.
May 4, 2011
Occupational Pension Funds: Deposits in Investment funds +32%
By the end of 2010, the volume of pension rights of the ten occupational pension funds operating in Austria amounted to € 3.56bn, representing an increase of 26% compared with the end of December 2009.
April 12, 2011
Austrians are among the European Leaders in Pension Duration
Austrians currently spend an average of over 23 years in retirement; this is about twice as long as in 1970. Austria ranks second in Europe in this respect.
March 31, 2011
Manufacturing Industry on Pensions: Structural Reform has to be Adressed Urgently
Manufacturing industry representatives were surprised at ÖGB statements. Instead of early retirements, more funds should be freed for future investments.
March 26, 2011
Yield of Austrian pension funds: 6.5%
FMA report on the 4th Quarter 2010 of the Austrian pension funds: more assets under management, widely scattered performance.
March 18, 2011
Company Pension Funds Tend to Investment Funds
Investing in investment funds is a growing trend for company pension funds (betriebliche Vorsorgekassen), increasing by 32% in 2010. The volume of corporate pension funds increased by 26%.
March 11, 2011
VBV – Vorsorgekasse AG Increases Fnd Investment Volume by 25%
The number of prospective beneficiaries grew by11% to 1.85 million in 2010; net performance was at 2.0%.
March 5, 2011
Austria's Pension Funds: 6.61% yield in 2010
Austria's pension funds generated an income of around € 800m in 2010. The annual performance is above the long-term average.
January 27, 2011
Austria Savers Remain Conservative
Saving behavior in Austria remains unchanged with a high degree of popularity of traditional building savings plans and bank savings accounts.
January 13, 2011
Harsh Criticism of Government by Junge Industrie
Junge Industrie (Young Industry) an interface organization of the Industriellenvereinigung (Industrialists’ Federation) criticizes particularly the pension policy.
January 13, 2011
New Responsibilities for the Financial Market Authority
As of 2011, the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has to face new challenges. The focus is on the fight against money laundering.
January 3, 2011
The ATX Celebrates its 20th Anniversary
Despite long-term attractive returns of the ATX, Austrians are not eager to invest in shares.
January 3, 2011
FMA: Solid Performance of Austrian Pension Funds
The Financial Market Authority (FMA) publishes a report on the Austrian pension funds. The performance is diverse. .
December 17, 2010