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Headscarf Ban

Extension of Headscarf Ban and Simplified Revocation of Citizenship of IS Returnees

The Austrian Freedom Party underscored its demand for an extension of the ban on headscarves in schools, and initiated a lively discussion on how to deal with the 320 officially known IS supporters who voluntarily travelled to war zones or intended to do so, even though they might become stateless, in order to revoke Austrian citizenship.
November 14, 2019

Headscarf Ban at Elementary Schools Confirmed by Austrian Federal Council

The so-called headscarf ban, the ban on covering the head of children from the age of six to ten for ideological and religious reasons, was approved by the Federal Council (Bundesrat) despite controversial debate. For Minister of Education Faßmann, the ban on headscarves corresponds to the socio-political consensus on the development of children as freely as possible and the necessity to overcome gender-specific stereotypes.
June 3, 2019

Veiled, Unveiled! The Headscarf - A Man’s Word on a Woman’s Body

An intriguing exhibition at the World Museum Vienna deals with the significance of the headscarf and thus also touches on a current dispute in various countries about a so-called headscarf ban. Just a piece of cloth but laden with countless facets of meaning is causing a stir: the headscarf used by devout women to cover their head, their face, and occasionally their whole body. The religious duty of women to cover their head has been part of European culture for centuries, though. Its story begins with early Christianity and has remained a vibrant issue to this day.
October 11, 2018

Austria's Vice-Chancellor Also Wants Headscarf Ban for Students

An extension is now under discussion since yesterday. Heinz-Christian Strache requested a comprehensive ban on headscarves in a TV appearance analogous to Turkey, as it had applied there until before the AKP. Until now it was decided that children under the age of ten should not wear headscarves. The government wanted to propose a law by summer for which it needs the votes of the opposition. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who made the appearance together with Strache, agreed with Strache that he is completely on the same line.
April 6, 2018