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Austria's Vice-Chancellor Also Wants Headscarf Ban for Students
An extension is now under discussion since yesterday. Heinz-Christian Strache requested a comprehensive ban on headscarves in a TV appearance analogous to Turkey, as it had applied there until before the AKP. Until now it was decided that children under the age of ten should not wear headscarves. The government wanted to propose a law by summer for which it needs the votes of the opposition. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who made the appearance together with Strache, agreed with Strache that he is completely on the same line.
The ban on headscarves is to be stipulated in a so-called "child protection law" / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Chris Schuepp [CC BY 2.0]
The current version of the headscarf ban is to apply in kindergartens and elementary schools. How many under ten-year-old girls in Austria wear a headscarf is not known.
The government's announcement to introduce a ban on headscarves in kindergartens and elementary schools came as a surprise.
Minister of Education Heinz Faßmann is to draft the law before the summer…
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