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Basel III

Fitch Criticizes European Stress Tests

The rating agency argues that there is still a lack in technical details. Regarding the robustness of the stress tests, Fitch demonstrates skepticism.
February 6, 2014

Austrian Raiffeisen Sector to Create Risk Fund

In order to establish a cross-guarantee system, the Austrian Raiffeisen sector has to create a risk fund in the amount of € 400m.
January 27, 2014

„Only A Catastrophy Will Bring a Change“

Bestselling author Marc Friedrich criticizes the IMF sharply and thinks that the Basel III framework is “ridiculous”. The U.S. monetary policy is “doomed to failure”.
January 21, 2014

$ 1.0trn Capital Shortfall in European Banking Sector?

According to U.S. economists, the stress tests carried out by the European Central Bank are too soft.
January 16, 2014

Fitch: Positive Comment on Raiffeisen Bank International

According to the U.S. rating agency, the planned capital increase is evaluated positively. In certain CESEE market, RBI´s operations will remain challenging, Fitch said.
January 11, 2014

Europe/CESEE: Heavy Trade in Distressed Assets

Until 2018, European lenders will offload about 300bn of bad debts, according to PwC. Above all, U.S. private equity firms are taking the opportunity.
January 11, 2014

RBI: Capital Increase Because of Unsuccessful Partner Search

For Raiffeisen Bank International, the capital increase is nothing else but an emergency solution. The main loser is RBI´s core shareholder, the Austrian Raiffeisen Zentralbank.
January 10, 2014

VBAG: Complete Write-Off Possible

The Austrian state may has to write down its interest completely. Further capital injections are very likely. Also VBAG´s other shareholders will be obliged to provide fresh funds for the ailing bank.
January 4, 2014

Massive Change in Banking Landscape

The business model of banks comes more and more under pressure. In the next years, about the half of the bank shops will be closed, banking expert Hans-Gert Penzel predicts.
January 2, 2014

Austria: „Lending Becomes More Expensive”

In an interview with the Austrian daily “Presse”, CEO of Hypo Vorarlberg Michael Grahammer talks about the future lending conditions. The corporate sector faces a drastic increase in borrowing costs.
December 27, 2013

VBAG: Call for Further State Aids Likely

The Austrian VBAG (Volksbanken AG), top institute of the Volksbanken sector, still has a substantial capital shortfall.
December 21, 2013

Banking Sector Reduces Lending

Instead of offering loans to the corporate sector, banks tend to invest in sovereign bonds. The CESEE region is particularly affected by this.
November 6, 2013

„Demand for Loans Will Grow“

In an interview with „Wirtschaftsblatt“, Vice-President of EIB (European Investment Bank) Wilhelm Molterer indicates that banks may not be prepared for an increasing demand for loans.
September 6, 2013

„Banking System Becomes More Solid“

The chairman of OeNB (Austrian National Bank) Ewald Nowotny thinks that the banking supervision and the Basel III framework will stabilize the financial markets.
December 4, 2012

KA Finanz: Capital Shortfall to Become Bigger

The financially stricken bank is expected to need further cash contributions.
November 24, 2012

Austrian National Bank: Basel III Will not Start in 2013

According to OeNB, the implementation cannot take place by the beginning of next year.
November 21, 2012

Austrian Banks Meet Substantially Increased Capital Requirements

EBA exercise to strengthen capital positions of large European banks concluded: Erste Group Bank AG and Raiffeisen Zentralbank AG meet the increased Capital Requirements, Austrian National Bank announces.
October 3, 2012

Leipnik-Lundenburger May Go Public

The new CEO of Raiffeisen Holding Erwin Hameseder considers privatizing the food company. There would be other privatization candidates in the renewable energy sector.
June 22, 2012

„Bank Union is Still Far Away“

Ewald Nowotny, Governor of Austria´s Central Bank, thinks that a bank union in the Eurozone would still take some time. Erste Group´s CEO Andreas Treichl approves the idea.
June 6, 2012

The Euro - A Big Error (Part 3)

The common currency did not create convergence, but widened the gap between Northern and Southern Eurozone member states.
May 29, 2012

Rothensteiner: Return to Drachma would be „Utter Chaos“

The CEO of the Austrian RZB (Raiffeisen Zentralbank) warns of a Greek exit. At the moment, there would be not contagiousness for Spain or Italy.
May 21, 2012

„I´m Glad That It Is Over“

Andreas Treichl, CEO of Erste Group had to present the first annual loss to the shareholders since its IPO in 1997.
May 15, 2012

Fekter meets British Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne

The Austrian Minister of Finance Maria Fekter and George Osborne talked about Basel III, the EU budget and taxation.
April 23, 2012

RBI Optimizes Its Structure of Participations

EBA decides not to recognize privately placed participation capital. RZB Group will nevertheless meet the EBA target, the bank argues.
March 8, 2012

Austrian Banks Claim to Continue „Vienna Initiative“

In 2009, international banks agreed on maintaining their lending operations in Eastern Europe. Now, the cooperation should be extended.
January 18, 2012

Raiffeisen to Strengthen Equity Base

RZB shareholders' general meeting resolves the issuance of participation capital worth € 600m.
December 28, 2011

Austrian Central Bank Calls for Rise in Equity for Banks

The Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) prescribes Austrian banks to raise their equity base. By 2016, a further capital base of 3.0% is required.
November 21, 2011

Erste Bank to Keep State Capital Into 2012

According to Bloomberg, Erste Group Bank, Austria’s biggest lender, may not repay € 1.2bn in state aid until 2012.
October 8, 2011

Erste Group´s CEO: „The Situation is Serious“

Andreas Treichl, CEO of the Austrian Erste Group considers to delay the repayment of the Bank Aid.
October 1, 2011

German and Austrian Economy Claim Improvements for Company Loans

Representatives of the German and Austrian Economy fear adverse impacts for company loans from the new Basel III rules.
September 20, 2011

Trend towards More Bonds in Corporate Financing

Companies will increasingly rely on the capital market as bank loans are becoming more expensive due to Basel III and stricter liquidity requirements.
August 3, 2011

Banks Expect Tightening of Credit Guidelines in 2012

Austrian banks’ lending policies did not change in the second quarter of 2011. For two years already, no tightening of lending conditions has been observed.
July 28, 2011

Credit Costs to Rise in the Wake of Basel III

The new regulatory requirements are expected to increase the cost of credits and to reduce the Austrian banks’ profitability.
July 20, 2011

Reactions to Treichl’s Criticism

Treichl’s criticism of Austrian politicians and Basel III rules has sparked a public dispute. WIFO disagrees and calls banks’ attitude “highly provincial”.
May 17, 2011

Erste’s Treichl Says Politicians ‘Cowardly’ on Basel III Rules

Andreas Treichl, CEO of Erste Group, provokes fierce reactions with his criticism of Austrian politicians and new international capital rules.
May 16, 2011

Capital Requirement of Austria's Banks: € 19bn

According to the Austrian National Bank, domestic banks needed at least € 19bn in equity capital by 2010 to meet capital requirements.
April 21, 2011

Basel III: Leitl Demands Adaptation for SMEs

The implementation of Basel III should take business financing into account, for which reason national support measures are necessary for capital strengthening of small businesses.
April 5, 2011

Leasing Business Boom in Austria

Because of capital requirements and rigid lending conditions, leasing gains in importance as a financing alternative.
March 18, 2011

Lack of Venture Capital for Austrian Companies

The Ministry of Economy considers providing funds for start-ups. The Israeli concept serves as a model.
March 10, 2011

Demand to Unburden Business Founders

The Austrian Economic Chamber demands the creation of tax and corporate law unburdening for company founders.
January 19, 2011

Wolf Theiss Starts Advice For Basel III

In response to the challenges presented by Basel III, the Austrian consulting company has formed a special "Basel III Task Force".
January 4, 2011

Bank Austria CEO Cernko: Austrian Banks Fight Securities Tax

The CEO of Bank Austria, Willibald Cernko, was interviewed by the newspaper “Kurier”. He announced that Austrian Banks will call the Constitutional Court.
December 29, 2010

Urgent Need for Capital at Austrian Banks

Walter Rothensteiner, Chairman of RZB as well as the Credit Division of the Economic Chamber, considers that domestic banks are under massive capital pressure.
December 21, 2010

OeNB: Recovery of the Financial System in a Persistently Uncertain Environment

The OeNB considers that domestic banks benefit from the positive development in the CEE region. However, uncertainties stay on as before.
December 15, 2010

Vienna Stock Exchange: Tax on Securities Gains Damages Austrian Economy

Massive disadvantages for Austrian companies because of financing made more difficult are feared by the members of the of the Vienna Stock Exchange board, Michael Buhl and Heinrich Schaller.
December 13, 2010

Financing Requirements for Building Societies

According to Basel-III regulations Austrian building societies will require amounts in the hundreds of millions to equip themselves with sufficient equity.
December 8, 2010

Equity Requirements of Austrian Banks are € 18 billion

Due to the new Basel III regulations, Austrian banks will need a much stronger capital base by 2019. The estimation is € 15 billion to € 18 billion.
December 2, 2010

Bawag is Profitable Again

The Austrian bank Bawag PSK, now owned by the U.S. fund Cerberus, is to have profits again this year: € 100m are expected.
December 2, 2010

Erste Group is Holding Repayment of Public Funds

The participation capital granted by the State following the bank crisis will only be paid back by the Erste Group after specifications of Basel III are set.
November 30, 2010

Government Adapts Capital Gains Tax on Securities

Taxation will be implemented from October 1; loss compensation is allowed. There are no essential changes however.
November 29, 2010