
Serbia: Landslide Victory for Vucic

After Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic’s party saw an overwhelming victory in the early parliamentary elections the new government is facing a hard road ahead.

March 17, 2014

Romania: Ponta Clinging to Leadership

Reforms in Romania will be carried out even if Ponta’s new government’s majority will be reduced in parliament.

February 27, 2014

Croatia: S&P Downgrades Rating

Standard&Poors; has downgraded Croatia’s rating to “BB”. The outloock on the long-term rating for the country is at least “stable”.

January 24, 2014

Austria: Kapsch Demands Reform Agenda From New Government

Georg Kapsch, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) demands the next federal government to introduce a comprehensive reform agenda.

September 27, 2013

Croatia: Major Reforms Required for Economic Upturn

Croatia continues to suffer from recession - its economy has not grown since 2008, contracting in 2012 by 2% and in 2013 by 1%.

September 26, 2013

Austrian Economy Minister: “No Time for Idle Complacency”

Austrian Minister of Economics and former general secretary of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), Reinhold Mitterlehner avoids any dispute with Christoph Leitl, President of WKO but signals a different opinion.

August 27, 2013

Czech Republic: Necas Steps Back

Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas draws the conclusion from his corruption scandal and announced to step back.

June 17, 2013

Ukraine Leaps to Business Deregulation

One of the reform priorities for Ukraine in 2012 has become the deregulation of business activity.

June 11, 2013

Oresharski: Things Were Never So Bad in Bulgaria

One week after assuming office, Bulgaria’s new Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski announced that the social and economic situation in the country has reached an all-time low.

June 5, 2013

„Austria Is Well Situated, but Needs Reforms Urgently“

Austria´s economic perspectives are slightly positive. The Austrian Chamber of Commerce reaffirmed its call for regional economic reforms.

June 30, 2012

Most Important Cities: Vienna Catches Up

In the ranking of the most important global cities, the Austrian capital could improve substantially. The most severe weakness is the economic activity.

April 3, 2012

„The Public Sector Does not Get Enough“

Klaus Pöttinger, President of Upper Austria´s IV takes Switzerland as model. Taxes would be too high, efficiency of the public sector is too low, he says.

March 9, 2012

Doubt and Criticism on Austerity Package

For the director of IHS, the austerity measures do not contain real reforms. The implementation could become difficult. Administration reforms and health system reforms are too low, observers say.

February 13, 2012

Austerity Package Has Lack in Structural Reforms

The industrialists regard the Austrian austerity package even-tempered. WIFO misses structural reforms.

February 11, 2012

Austrian Government Resolves Austerity Package

Speculation terms on real estate will be abolished, the tax privilege on 13th and 14th salary too. Inheritance taxes or enrollment fees will not be re-introduced.

February 9, 2012

Strache Claims Cut in Subsidies

The chairman of the Austrian opposition party FPÖ criticized the government fiercely for its fiscal policy.

January 23, 2012

Austerity Package: Business Association Warns of New Taxes

New taxes would be an “attack against the economy”, general secretary Peter Haubner says.

January 4, 2012

Mitterlehner: „Settlement of Headquarters Key Question for Austria“

The Austrian Minister of Economics, Reinhold Mitterlehner, wants to push the development of the domestic location through improving framework requirements steadily.

October 4, 2011

Leitl Demands Reduction of Public Debt

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber sees potential for efficiency in the administration, as well as in the health and pension system

April 1, 2011

Young Industry on Pensions: Failure of Politicians is "Evidence of Incapacity"

Mitterbauer said: "Austria continues to be a record holder for early retirement, despite the massive and long-term need for action." Inaction is "an affront to the younger generations".

March 19, 2011

Significant Savings Potential by the Administration

Efficiency potential in public expenditure of over € 500 million. Felderer: "Significant savings potential”.

March 11, 2011

Leitl Fears Falling Back behind Asia

During a state visit to Singapore the President of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ) again urges the Austrian government to undertake reforms.

February 24, 2011

Leitl Urges Implementation of Reform Plans

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber shows himself pleased by the economic data 2010 and urges the continuation of educational and administrative reforms.

January 3, 2011

Leitl Demands Reforms

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber calls for more Government work in administration, health and education.

December 29, 2010

WKÖ’s Secretary General Advocates for Educational and Administrative Reform

Young people have to be trained practically to meet the challenges of the future. An administrative reform should not be foregone, said Hochhauser.

November 25, 2010

Economic Chamber President Leitl Demands Financial Transaction Tax

There is consensus between the Presidents of the Economic Chamber and the Federation of Trade Unions.

November 23, 2010
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