Newsletter: Vienna International News

Hopeful Peace Deal for Gangs in Gang Violence in Vienna

In recent weeks, Vienna's streets have been rocked by violent clashes between Syrian and Chechen youth gangs. These conflicts, which were initially perceived as ethnic tensions, have thrown the city into turmoil. But now there are signs of a surprising turnaround: Representatives of both communities have published a joint statement aimed at improving cooperation.

Austria's Progress in Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

As part of the "UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development", Austrian Minister for Europe Karoline Edtstadler presented the second National Implementation Report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The event, which took place in New York, offered Austria the opportunity to present its progress and efforts in the area of sustainable development.

Austria Continues Cooperation with Serbia to Combat Illegal Migration

Vienna and Belgrade are intensifying their cooperation in the fight against illegal migration and organized crime. At a meeting in Serbia, the interior ministers of both countries emphasized the importance of joint border security measures.

Winners of the Austrian Art Prize 2024 Revealed

Andrea Mayer, State Secretary for Art and Culture, today announced the winners of the Austrian Art Prize and the Hans Hollein Art Prize for Architecture 2024. The awards, endowed with 20,000 euros each, honor outstanding personalities in the Austrian art and culture scene.