Newsletter: Vienna International News

False Accusations Against Federal Police Chief Takacs in Wirecard Case Must Be Revoked by FPÖ

Austrian domestic politics recently experienced a considerable shake-up due to false accusations by the FPÖ, which claimed that Federal Police Director Michael Takacs had met with the fugitive ex-Wirecard manager Jan Marsalek on several occasions. These accusations led to legal action by Takacs, which resulted in a retraction and a cease-and-desist declaration by the FPÖ.

Vienna's Mayor Ludwig Reacts to Gang Violence in the City

In recent weeks, there has been a series of violent clashes between ethnic groups in Vienna, which have unsettled the population. The recent incident at Yppenplatz in Ottakring in particular, in which two men were seriously injured, has further exacerbated the situation. In response, Mayor Michael Ludwig has announced that the city's rapid reaction force will be increased in terms of personnel, while at the same time demanding comprehensive measures from the federal government.

Austrian National Bank Examined the Spread of Crypto Assets in Austria

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are widely known in Austria, but their actual distribution in private households remains modest. A recent study by the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) found that only 3% of the population own crypto assets. These few owners usually only hold small amounts, which rarely make up more than a third of their total financial assets.

Simpsons Cartoon Art: Unique Exhibition at the Caricature Museum Krems

To mark the 35th anniversary of the cult series “The Simpsons”, the Caricature Museum Krems is the first in Europe to present a special exhibition entitled “Here comes Bart! Simpsons Cartoon Art from the William Heeter and Kristi Correa Collection”.