Austrian National Bank Examined the Spread of Crypto Assets in Austria

OrganizationsOther ♦ Published: July 16, 2024; 23:53 ♦ (Vindobona)

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are widely known in Austria, but their actual distribution in private households remains modest. A recent study by the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) found that only 3% of the population own crypto assets. These few owners usually only hold small amounts, which rarely make up more than a third of their total financial assets.

A recent study by the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) indicates that the actual use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in private households is relatively low. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / C.Stadler/Bwag / CC BY-SA 4.0 (

The OeNB study, which is based on a representative survey at the end of 2022, shows that most crypto holders in Austria have only invested relatively small amounts in cryptocurrencies. In 90% of cases, the amounts involved are just a few thousand euros. These amounts consistently account for no more than a third of the respective household's financial assets.

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