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Newsletter: Vienna International News
UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Urged the Security Council to Stop the War in Ukraine

The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Kelly T. Clements called on the United Nations Security Council to put aside its differences and find a solution to end the war in Ukraine. There have already been 5 million people who have fled Ukraine, and there are another 7 million internally displaced.

1,350 Ukrainian Displaced Persons Could be Accommodated by Private Apartments in Vienna
The residents of the city of Vienna already provided over 1,100 housing donations for Ukrainian aid seekers who had to flee from the war crimes committed by the Russian invaders. Thus, about 94% of Ukrainians could be accommodated in private shelters and facilitate the situation for public quarters.

Refugee Crisis in Poland: European Parliament Presidents Visit Refugee Reception Center in Poland
Poland receives nine European Parliament Presidents, among them also Austria's Federal Council President Christine Schwarz-Fuchs. Together they visited the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing in Dorohusk and the refugee reception center Lwowska as well as the Humanitarian Aid Centre Ptak near Warsaw.

Special Representatives of OSCE Chairman-in-Office Visit Council of Europe