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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Austria Presents Financial Budget for 2022

Austrian Finance Minister Gernot Blümel presented Austria's draft financial budget for 2022 to the Austrian Parliament in the form of the annual budget speech. The plan includes tax reforms, budget increases for various ministries, estimates regarding the COViD-19 crisis, and more. Read some of the specific provisions in the budget outlined by the finance minister.

Vienna's Praterstern to Be Transformed into a Greened and Cooled Lounge Oasis

Vienna's Praterstern is beginning its transformation into a greened and cooled lounge oasis and should be finished by the summer of 2022. Read about the specifics of the revitalization of Praterstern and view some projections of what the area will look like once it is complete.

UPDATE: Current Situation for Arriving and Departing Passengers at Vienna International Airport
Flight operations at VIA Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien) are still restricted. The most important changes and information for arriving and departing passengers at Flughafen Wien are available below.

Austrian Foreign Trade: Imports and Exports Above Pre-Crisis Levels