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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Vietnamese Business Delegation in Vienna

The Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly, Vuong Dinh Hue, and a high-ranking business delegation recently attended a business forum in Vienna with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) Vice-President Richard Schenz. The forum included discussions about the dynamic Vietnamese economy and why it is an ideal location for Austrian companies and investors to diversify in Asia.

American Photography at the Albertina: Trevor Traina Back in Vienna

Former U.S. Ambassador to Austria Trevor Traina was at the opening of the new exhibition "American Photography" at the Albertina Museum in Vienna. Mr. Traina holds one of the largest private collections of photographs in the world, and he loaned some of these pieces to the Albertina for the exhibition. "American Photography" includes photographs from 1945 to the present and focuses on everyday motifs that had previously been considered unworthy of portrayal. Read more about the exhibition and view a selection of photographs included in the exhibit.

Travel from Austria to the U.S. - Biden's New Policy Will End the Need for National Interest Exceptions
As announced by Biden and the White House around the UN General Assembly, as of early November it will again be possible for all adult foreign nationals, i.e. including Austrians and other foreign nationals entering the U.S. via Vienna, to enter the U.S., thus also eliminating the need for national interest exemptions (NIE). More details in the article.

Meet the New Permanent Representative of Zimbabwe to the International Organizations in Vienna

The new Permanent Representative of Zimbabwe, Stuart Harold Comberbach, presented his credentials to IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ghada Waly.