Newsletter: Vienna International News

Ambassadors Traina and Turner at Austrian Media Days

US Ambassador Traina and British Ambassador Turner took part in a discussion about the world after corona at the Austrian News Days. Both recognized the rise of social media and its significant role in today's world.

Chief Rabbi of Vienna Meets Van der Bellen

Vienna's newly appointed Chief Rabbi Jaron Engelmayer made his inaugural visit to President Van der Bellen to discuss current topics of the religious community and the Covid-19 situation.

EU eGovernment Benchmark 2020: Austria in Top 3

New services on and the "Digitales Amt" app are having an effect - Austria is one of the top nations in the Europe-wide comparison. Only Malta and Estonia received better results in this year's EU eGovernment Benchmark.

UNWG Not to Hold the International Bazaar 2020

The UNWG Bazaar 2020, the most important charity event for the United Nations Women's Guild, which was scheduled for Saturday, November 28, has been cancelled due to Corona. It's an amazing festival, to share cultures in the form of a market place where everyone can experience the sensation to help the children of the entire world.