UNOOSA and ESA Collaborate to Launch Space Solutions Database Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals
In a joint effort to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have introduced a comprehensive database, known as the Space Solutions Compendium (SSC), to showcase ongoing and past projects by space agencies.
The SSC, a fruit of UNOOSA and ESA's collaboration aims to offer a valuable resource by presenting information about space initiatives that contribute to the attainment of the 17 SDGs. Since 2019, ESA has been actively contributing to this endeavor by providing information on space projects and devising mechanisms for gauging progress.
The current iteration of the SSC includes data from ESA and the United Kingdom Space Agency. With today's launch, UNOOSA extends an invitation to all space agencies and governmental entities to contribute their space solutions and provide valuable feedback to enhance the catalog. This inclusive approach will empower the international community to monitor and track the implementation of SDGs through the utilization of space assets.
Despite the growing global economy and the technological progress observed in the past decades, there are still many societal challenges that need to be overcome to enhance human development. The United Nations, involving more than 190 Member States, has developed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in order to address these challenges in the form of 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 associated specific targets.
The SSC represents one among several tools aligned with the "Space2030" Agenda, which was introduced by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and subsequently adopted by the General Assembly. This comprehensive agenda aims to assist member states in realizing the objectives outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Niklas Hedman, Acting Director of UNOOSA, emphasized the significance of the Space Solutions Compendium, stating, "By presenting an integrated view of space projects associated with the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, the SSC raises awareness about the crucial role of space in driving socio-economic benefits. It also inspires cooperation among nations to leverage space solutions. We are thrilled to collaborate with ESA in promoting the transformative potential of space."
Frederic Nordlund, Head of European and External Relations at ESA, emphasized the complementary nature of the ESA SDG Catalogue and the Space Solutions Compendium, saying, "ESA is pleased to join forces with UNOOSA in this crucial realm of space applications for the betterment of all."
The launch of the SSC represents a significant step towards harnessing the potential of space technology and innovation in achieving sustainable development objectives. By consolidating space-related initiatives, the database serves as a valuable tool for stakeholders to collaborate, share knowledge, and drive progress toward a more sustainable future.