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State Secretary Tursky Emphasizes Goal of European Chip Sovereignty at Austrian Company AT&S
During his visit to Leoben, Florian Tursky, the State Secretary for Digitization and Telecommunications at the Ministry of Finance, was given an insight into the new research and production center of the global high-tech group AT&S, which is currently being realized at the company's headquarters.
State Secretary Florian Tursky (l.) and AT&S CEO Andreas Gerstenmayer (r.) at AT&S's new R&D and production center in Leoben. / Picture: © ATS/Braunrath
Europe needs to build up essential know-how and competencies to free itself from dependencies and gain access to crucial elements of the supply chain, Gerstenmayer emphasized. In terms of a functioning EU chip ecosystem and Europe's desired technological sovereignty, microelectronics is becoming increasingly important. Only with the key technologies of microelectronics can we…
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