Risk of Default of Federal Investments for 330 Million Euro

Politics ♦ Published: October 29, 2010; 13:26 ♦ (Vindobona)

The State bought high-risk securities in 2007 and 2008. These show a high risk of default since the financial crisis. The State wants to get rid of these securities by next year.

Risk of Default of Federal Investments for 330 Million Euro / Picture: © Der Rechnungshof

The Audit Court  (Rechnungshof) has submitted a report to the Bundesfinanzierungsagentur (ÖBFA, Austrian Federal Financing Agency). The agency manages the debt of the Republic of Austria and also owns securities. Owing to the economic crisis, a significant part of these securities has turned into risky investments.

The extent of the risk of default risk of these securities…