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Credit Default
Risk Exposure of Austrian Banks: € 32 billion
The volume that Austria's banks hold at the moment in the altogether not risk-free PIIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece), is € 32 billion.
November 25, 2010
Hypo Tirol Regroups
The Tyrolean Hypo Bank AG is planning a new market direction, staff restructuring and financial consolidation.
November 16, 2010
Hypo Proceedings: New Revelations
Both sensitive data and risk and control instruments were handled negligently.
November 2, 2010
Risk of Default of Federal Investments for 330 Million Euro
The State bought high-risk securities in 2007 and 2008. These show a high risk of default since the financial crisis. The State wants to get rid of these securities by next year.
October 29, 2010
Raiffeisen CEO Stepic: The Crisis in Eastern Europe is Not Over Yet
The RBI boss explains why recovery is taking longer, why his institute does not want to pay back the state capital yet, and why he considers that Raiffeisen is being treated unfairly.
October 22, 2010
CEE Banking Sector Report: Still More Credit Losses in the East
The number of bad loans is expected to increase considerably in some Eastern European countries, a Raiffeisen-analysis shows.
September 21, 2010