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ÖBB in "Rebuilding Phase"
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Published: January 22, 2011; 12:50 ♦ (Vindobona)
The CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways, Christian Kern, sees a new era beginning for the group. He intends to put more focus on performance.
ÖBB in "Rebuilding Phase" / Picture: © ÖBB-Holding AG / Sabine Hauswirth
Following the dismissal of the chairman of passenger transport, Gabriele Lutter, the CEO of the group says that ÖBB is in a rebuilding phase. A successor is to be found in coming days. Interim, Georg Lauber, who comes from the energy group Verbund like Kern, is to take over the leadership of passenger transport.
In March, the ÖBB will also look for a new staff director. Kern…
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