Meet the New Ambassador of Nicaragua to Austria

PeopleDiplomats ♦ Published: July 16, 2021; 14:16 ♦ (Vindobona)

The new Ambassador of Nicaragua to Austria, Sabra Amari Murillo Centeno, presented her credentials to Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen. Learn more about her.

Ambassador of Nicaragua to Austria, Sabra Amari Murillo Centeno (right), presents her credentials to Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen (left). / Picture: © / Peter Lechner / HBF and Lukas Hardt-Stremayr

The new Ambassador of Nicaragua to Austria, Sabra Amari Murillo Centeno, presented her credentials to Austrian President, Alexander Van der Bellen. She is also the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations (Vienna) and the Ambassador of Nicaragua to Serbia.

Ms. Murillo Centeno has served in various capacities in her career, among them: …