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IMF Supports Lithuania´s Aim to Enter Eurozone
Politics ♦
Published: February 12, 2013; 23:20 ♦ (Vindobona)
In 2015, the Baltic country wants to become a member of the Eurozone. According to Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius, the IMF welcomes this decision.
IMF Supports Lithuania´s Aim to Enter Eurozone / Picture: © Vindobona.org
A delegation from IMF has visited Lithuania recently. Butkevicius has talked with the delegation about the planned euro adoption in 2015. According to him, the IMF shows support for this step. Moreover, the timing would be appropriate, he said.
As Lithuania has kept its inflation under control and pursues a strict fiscal policy, the country is almost fit for the Eurozone, the…
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