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German-Speaking Finance Ministers Met in Vienna
Vienna hosted the tenth informal meeting of the German-speaking finance ministers. Representatives of Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Austria took part in discussions about Covid-19 and the future of taxes.

The finance ministers of Germany (Olaf Scholz), Liechtenstein (Adrian Hasler), Luxembourg (Pierre Gramegna), Switzerland (Ueli Maurer) and Austria (Gernot Blümel) met for their annual informal exchange this time in Vienna.
The meeting of the German-speaking finance ministers has a ten-year tradition and this year's content was in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the digital tax.
The two-day event kicked off on Monday afternoon with an exclusive guided tour of the "Vienna 1900" exhibition in the Leopold Museum. Afterwards, there was room for discussion during a joint dinner at a Heurigen at Kahlenberg. …
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