Ganymed Bridge 2023 Between Art History and Natural History Museum in Vienna
GANYMED returns in May 2023 to Vienna. The GANYMED BRIDGE is the name of the new production by director Jacqueline Kornmüller, with which the successful project would like to dare to build a bridge between culture and nature for the first time and connect the Art History Museum with the Natural History Museum.

From May to October 2023, the GANYMED ensemble will fill the twin buildings at Maria-Theresien-Platz with new life, new forms, and new stories that emerge at the intersection of art and nature.
GANYMED is coming to the Kunsthistorisches Museum for the eighth time and to the Naturhistorisches Museum for the very first time. Under the direction of Jacqueline Kornmüller and Peter Wolf from when the time comes, a total of 30 authors, composers and performers were invited to write commissioned works about impressive objects in the zoological showrooms as well as masterpieces in the Gemäldegalerie.
GANYMED BRIDGE was inspired by the texts of the American biologist and philosopher Donna Haraway. She says humans must learn "to be less lethal and to relate along inventive lines of connection." - One such line of connection is bridging culture and nature to see what they do to each other and each other.
International authors* who have already worked at the intersection of art and nature in their work have been invited to write texts for GANYMED BRIDGE. Among them are the Belgian writer Amélie Nothomb, the Russian dancer and writer Liliya Burdinskaya, the Japanese-Austrian author Milena Michiko Flasar and the Austrian authors Teresa Präauer, Martin Pollack and Franz Schuh.
Once again, there will be numerous musical scenes. The audience can expect music by Johanna Doderer, Martin Eberle, Matthias Jakisic, Lukas Lauermann, Peter Rom, Emily Stewart, Andras Dés, Mona Matbou Riahi, Mahan Mirarab and Clemens Wenger. The Strottern and the group Federspiel are also part of the GANYMED ensemble again.
The premiere is on May 5, 2023, and tickets are now available in advance online and at the museum box offices in front of the Kunsthistorisches Museum.