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Austrian Airlines Is Threatened With a Strike from its Personnel
In a work meeting on Tuesday, Austrian Airlines' (AUA) onboard staff rejected the proposed new collective agreement. There is now a deadline of April 6 for the negotiations to continue. A strike is imminent if no agreement is reached.
March 28, 2023

Airport Strikes in Germany Also Affect Vienna
There will be many strikes in Airports in several cities in Germany. This will be the reason for plenty of flight cancellations occurring in Germany and the world. Vienna airport in Schwechat is also being affected.
March 13, 2023

British Mayr-Melnhof Factory Occupied

The Liverpool-based site of the Austrian packaging company Mayr-Melnhof will be closed. Workers occupy the factory in order to prevent the shutdown.
April 2, 2012

Strikes at Post Possible

For the trade union, the staff policy of Austrian Post´s management is “not acceptable”. A deadline for CEO Pölzl is fixed by the trade union.
October 25, 2011

Metal Industry: New Bargaining Rounds

The Austrian trade union of metal workers and industry representatives could avert a strike. However, a compromise is still not found.
October 17, 2011

Bargaining Suspended – Metal Workers Take Industrial Action

Employees of more than 140 Austrian companies went on strike after negotiators had failed to agree on wage increases.
October 13, 2011

AUA Staff Ready to go on Strike

The results of the polls are for starting the strike at Austrian Airlines. Should the negotiations fail, the staff is ready to go on strike.
January 5, 2011

AUA: For now, Negotiations Instead of Strikes

At the end of the year, there were still signs of strike for the staff of Austrian Airlines. Now the situation seems to calm down.
January 4, 2011

AUA: Signs of Strike

The staff is voting for strike measures. Protests are planned for after the Christmas holidays.
December 14, 2010

Hungarian Railway Workers Strike Against Rail Cargo

Due to employee layoffs at Rail Cargo Hungaria, the employees threaten to go on strike. Rail Cargo suffers losses both in Austria and in Hungary
October 27, 2010